Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 28 - Blood Work

March 28 - Blood Work

Happy Monday!!! Levi has an appointment with Dr. S (his pediatrician) this morning after blood work so Levi and I slept in, and for once Levi actually slept in when Mommy wanted him to. He ended up sleeping until 8:30! And I think would have slept longer, but I tried to creep down the stairs and that bugger of a top stair squeaked, I held my breath, but it didn't matter, the little sound of "Mommy!" could be heard from Levi's room. In the end it was probably a good thing as we needed to be on the road anyways.

The Easter Bunny brought Levi a Marshall back pack to be used for daycare, and Levi was very excited to wear it. I've been told that these pictures will "Break a Fella's Heart" with how big he is getting, you've been pre-warned. :)
My Kitty! My Marshall! I have it!!
All ready! Waiting for Mommy to be ready to go!
We headed to the hospital to see nice nurse. Levi was so excited to see her that he didn't want to wait, and started heading right in the lab door as soon as we got there. I had to tell him that there were people ahead of us, and that we needed to wait our turn. It only went so well. He pouted a little, and yelled for "Nice Nurse". He kept saying "Nice Nurse Morning" and "Good Morning" and "Hi!". The poor guy who was getting his blood drawn through all of this could not have been too impressed as Nice Nurse was responding to Levi, but he smiled at Levi when he walked out.

Levi did a great job waiting!
It was finally our turn and Levi went right it and opened up the band-aid cupboard. He picked up the Sponge Bob box and said "Monster! I want Monster!" I said ok, as long as it's a monster then we can have that. Sponge Bob is not a show that we will more then likely ever allow in our house, so I didn't want him knowing who it was. He ended up getting the octopus guy (I don't even know the show to know what his name is). He kept saying, "Monster! Spider Monster!" The blood draw went as awesome as always! Levi scurried over to the treasure box and picked out the orange maraca to go with his green one.

I looked at the clock and realized we were going to be late. I scooped up Levi and headed out the door, he said "See you Thursday" to the Nice Nurse and we were gone. I rushed to the parking garage only to be greeted by this:
Really?! Really?! Learn to park! I have to put a kid in the back seat of that car!! After getting him in on the passenger side, I squeezed myself in to my door and we were off. There were 6 empty parking spots beside me on the right, you couldn't have taken one of those with your giant car you don't know how to drive?!?! I was sooo frustrated.

The call hadn't come in with Levi's numbers by 3:50 and Jay and I were a little frustrated/miffed by that. So Jay drew the short stick (or I gave him the "I'm so cute" face and he folded) and called up Dr. V's office. He got Receptionist S as usual with her lovely attitude. He was able to talk to K who gave him Levi's counts as 292. So the drop has started. That's not a huge drop from Thursday, but looking at the trends it's coming. Any drop just starts us on a downward spiral. :( K was not impressed that we had done blood work this morning. Apparently she was unaware of the once a week, once a week, twice a week schedule, and was irritated that we had done blood work what she considered "off schedule". I don't understand her attitude. And really what the problem is, it really can't take that long to get the fax of results, enter it in his chart, and give us a phone call, less then 10 minutes I would think. And yet you would think she was moving Earth itself. It's probably a good thing Jay called, because I am at the end of my rope with people who don't understand what we go through, and she might have gotten a piece of my mind.

We shall see what Thursday brings for a drop.

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