Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 15 - Blood Work

August 15 - Blood Work

Levi didn't have the greatest weekend. His legs are pretty bruised and scraped up and his runny nose is still in full force so we decided to take him for blood work just to make sure that everything is fine. We figure it probably is (he played hard with his cousins over the weekend which explains the scrapes and bruises) but we would rather be safe then sorry, and Levi loves to see P so he was perfectly happy with the arrangement.

I was fully prepared for an easy lab draw. We walked in the door of the hospital and Levi requested a donut. I said "no, you got one last time". He was ok with that and wanted to head to his fountain. Well today's draw was anything but easy, and this is how I dropped Levi off at daycare:
Sometimes plans change!
We got over to the lab and P wasn't there, it was another tech sitting there. Uh oh! My easy draw may not be quite so easy. There was also a waiting line! Like almost every single chair was full. Uh Oh!! Levi climbed up in a chair like a good boy while I signed him in. I came to sit next to him and he very loudly said "Where's P?" The nurse who was there seemed sad! Finally there was only one person ahead of us. The Nurse, whose name is Pa, called for a back up nurse. Nurse D came down while Pa was doing the last person ahead of us. Levi did fairly well with the wait, but he was definitely very frustrated with having to wait. He kept asking "Can I go in?" and "Where's P?" We took some selfies which kept Levi entertained. He was giggling his bum off for a little while making silly faces.
Blowing tongue bubbles 
Caught a giggle.
Finally it was Levi's turn to go in. Pa and D seemed a little frazzled with the paperwork for a standing order, and seemed confused that  a young child had a standing order. Levi picked out his band-aid from the cupboard which also seemed to frazzle them. He got up in the chair and opened his TMNT band-aid. Then as Pa and D were walking over he looked at them and again said "Where's P?" I said I bet she was with her Mommy, which seemed to make Levi happy. D seemed a little frazzled trying to find the right tubes and such, Levi looked at her and said "Green and Purple Please", I think the kid could do this himself.

This is where the fun and games turned to not so nice. D tried his right arm, the arm we always use and was unhappy that there was a bruise there from last time. I kinda looked at her with a "what do you expect, he gets stuck 1-2 times per week" look. She stuck the needle in and wiggled it around and couldn't get the vein. At this point Levi was very unimpressed. Pa also seemed lost as to what to do, I said, umm... I got this, I don't need a nurse to hold his arm, we have a system. Then she decided to try his left arm. I told her that very few nurses have EVER been successful over there, like less then 3, but she wanted to try. Well low and behold, she misses, and says "well the vein over here isn't that great"... umm... yea, that's what I just told you! Thanks for listening to me. So then D handed the job over to Pa, who went back to his right arm. She was able to get it on the first try, but Levi was very unimpressed. He was stuck 3 times!

He wiggled down and headed to the treasure box. D told him he could pick two prizes since he had to get stuck more then once. He picked a red frog and a blue looker. He gave high fives and we were on our way out. He asked for a donut again and I couldn't turn him down after that blood draw. We had been there almost 40 minutes from time of arrival until we finally left. And he had been great the whole time!

So we got a donut!
We headed towards daycare. We got on the dirt road and they were rolling/grading it again (they do it about once a month). It's nice when its done, but its a pain to drive on while they are working on it as you can't pass, and believe me you need to be able to pass on that road.
Yes I was stopped when taking this picture (the road was empty today). 
Drop off went well, until I was pulling out of the drive way. Then he started balling in Miss M's arms and asking for Mommy. :( He has been in a huge "I need my Mommy!" mood lately.

Counts still hadn't come in at 4:00 when I headed home. So Jay called. K was a little annoyed that we were calling (apparently she had just gotten off of our voice mail at 4:40 when Jay called). Oh well, maybe you should call earlier then 4:00 when we do a stat lab at 8:30 in the morning. So frustrating. His counts came in at 260, so a great number!

Next steps: Labs again on Thursday.

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