Monday, October 3, 2016

September 22 - Blood Work Take 2

September 22 - Blood Work Take 2

I left work at 2:00 and headed to get Levi at Nursery School. I knew that he would be napping and I would be waking him up, so I was fully prepared for a very cranky toddler. I got to Nursery School and teacher J was like "do you need him?!" I said yes and briefly explained why. She went upstairs to get him from nap. He was very excited to see me and was cuddling with Cranberry. I asked her a few questions about how his day went. Questions a parent wouldn't normally ask (is he weak? falling a lot? complaining of headache? eating? swallowing correctly? drinking ok? talking normal?), and I think I kinda freaked her out a little as she seemed a little stressed and had a look on her face. I told her we would keep them in the loop and Levi and I headed out the door.

We got over to the lab and P was shocked to see us! She asked what was going on and I briefly explained it to her as well while she was doing the paperwork. We also made sure that the fax number had been correctly updated on the order (it had). Levi and I set down in the chair to wait. He picked out a transformers band-aid and was pretty excited by it, even if he did think it was McQueen or Elmo (it was a red transformer, I don't know their names, we aren't at that stage yet!) I was very glad that it was P working as I knew she could do it well, and I knew she would be going in through the same vein that hadn't heeled in just 6 hours, so it was going to hurt a little more then normal. Levi did it like a champ! A little flinch. And he looked right up at P and said "Ouch! That hurt P!" as if it was her fault and she should cut it out. We all giggled a little, but I think inside P was a little hurt (Levi is her buddy!)

Then it was time for the treasure box and P was so excited. She said that a couple has decided that they want to fill the box for the kids and they had dropped off their first shipment of stuff today since we had been there. And that no other kids had been in so Levi was the first one to get to pick out of it. Levi ran over and opened the box. Wow!! It was packed! With all kinds of stuff, dolls, stuffed animals, balls, coloring books, crayons, paint, it was really neat! Levi looked at the big stuff, and then started to dig down, I don't think he thought he was allowed to take the big things. Once I told him he could, he landed on a paint set and was super excited about it. We gave P a huge hug and said, See you on Monday!

Levi telling me what each color is (hence the blurriness)!
Levi asked for a donut. I was going to say no as I didn't think they would have any left at 2:45 in the afternoon, but we walked over. He must have spotted them from across the room because when we got over to the cafe there was one donut on the top rack in the very back of a tray, I got down to his level so I could guarantee that he couldn't see them and said "look the trays are all gone" and he looked right at me and said "no mommy, sprinkle donut up there" and pointed to the bottom of the one tray left in the display case. So of course he got a donut! :) Wasn't much I could say at that point.

Levi and I headed to Daddy's work to wait for the fax to come in. We got there and it wasn't quite there yet, but Levi had plenty of fun walking around the shop. Finally the fax came in and the count was 81. Definitely not a lab error. His white blood cell count had also almost doubled since the morning. He is definitely fighting off some sort of an infection. We called Dr. V and together we all made the decision that it was probably not going to get better on its own, and the best course of action was to bring Levi back up for another infusion tomorrow.

At this point Jay and I had to figure out what our plan was, after a few seconds of talking it made the most sense for us both to call our Mom's and ask for help. I called my Mom to come and help me with the infusion, and he called his Mom to see if she could help with getting him to and from his procedure. Both Mom's were able to help!! YAY! A little less stress for us! Now to make the decision on if Levi should go to swim class or not. (We did take him, and he had a good time!)

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