Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 8 - Blood Work

January 8 - Blood Work

Happy Monday!! Levi was in a great mood this morning and was all smiles. We got to the lab and there was a short wait, nothing major, so we settled in. Levi always takes pictures on my camera before playing games, so he was having fun taking selfies.

A long time ago (at least a year, which is a long time in Levi time) Levi named the boy in the mirror Boaty. Now Boaty is everywhere, mirrors, camera's, windows, it's cute! Levi knows it's him, but will call it Boaty, cracks me up. So today he decided that Boaty needed a kiss while he was taking pictures. So this is Levi giving Boaty a kiss!
Adorable! Though made my phone sticky!

Then it was time to head in. Levi picked out his band-aid and then climbed up in the chair.
The draw went fast as usual and then Levi was off to the treasure box. Levi saw a train with track and grabbed it immediately. He was super excited about it.
On the way out Levi asked me if I had donut money. I told him that he didn't but that I would bring donut money on Thursday. P must have overheard us because she came running out of the lab with donuts from her lunch which she offered to Levi. Levi didn't understand I don't think because he said "No, Mommy doesn't have any donut money today!" P tried to explain to him that he could have them, but Levi just kept saying no with a sad look on his face. She is so good to him! She really does love him!

Counts came in a little later at 416! Wow a huge increase in only a few days. Its very interesting how his counts are going way up and then coming way down now that we have gone to wait and see. We graph all of Levi's blood work and watching the large roller coaster that we have now is strange. We used to do infusions every three weeks and stayed within a fairly narrow band, yes some increase and decrease, but nothing like we are having now. I plan to talk to Dr. C about this the next time we see her, or Dr. V about it whenever he comes back from medical leave.

Next Plan: Blood work again at the end of the week.

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