Friday, February 9, 2018

February 8 - Blood Work

February 8 - Blood Work

Happy Thursday! With yesterday's storm came crummy roads this morning. The highway was at 35mph in both lanes and you really couldn't go faster then that with the ruts, slush, chunks, and ice. It was a nice mix of everything. And of course this was the morning that Levi's movie wouldn't start, a combination of bitter cold and changing of DVD due to miscommunication and we had no movie! Levi was pretty good once I put on his Pandora songs, but he just doesn't understand that Mommy has to concentrate and traffic when driving. But we made it! Took about 40 minutes compared to the normal 25, so was rough!

We had to feed the blue box again today! Man we use a lot of medication, or maybe we are just cleaning out all the old stuff a lot. Anyways, Levi was excited to feed him, and in his words "He can eat the yucky pink meds! I don't like them!!" He shut it hard to make sure they were gone, and then opened it to peer in and make double sure he had eaten them. Poor guy, little does he know I will be refilling the "yucky pink meds" to take again on Thursday.

 Then it was off to check on our fountain. He was running back and forth and looking up saying "It's the biggest indoor fountain ever! It's so HUGE!"
 We got over to the lab and there was only a small wait. No one in the waiting room, but there was someone inside in the chair so we settled in to wait for a few minutes. Levi smiled for a picture!
 Then he took my phone and took a few pictures himself.

If you like this picture, my phone currently has 14 of them with only minor changes in between. Levi click click clicked the button!
 As we were waiting to get called in an elderly lady came out. Levi said "I have a joke" and she said "You do!" and he said "Yup, Why do fish swim in salt water?" she just grinned, not sure she completely heard him, and he said "Cause pepper water makes them sneeze!" and laughed his little bum off, she grinned too, and told him how smart he was and funny! It made his day! Then he was back to playing PJ Masks on my phone.

Then it was our turn to go in. P wasn't there today, instead we had L. She has drawn Levi before and does a good job with the draw part, but she struggles with letting him pick out his own band-aid, say his own birthday numbers, and get into the treasure box by himself.

The draw itself went pretty easy. We didn't even set up a tablet or phone today, he just set there, and he did really well.

Then he was off to the treasure box. P had told him on Monday that the glow sticks with characters on the top were straws, and he is convinced that they are. He saw the avengers one right one top of the box, but he wanted the spider man one that he had seen on Monday. We dug around in the box and I was pretty convinced it had been taken by someone else and was prepared to convince him to take the avengers or princess one, when I saw that package way at the bottom. He was pretty stoked!
 Then because he has been such a good boy this week and had such an amazing week he got to get a donut. He "pays for" his own donuts now which is a great lesson in money. He knows that he needs one dollar and one quarter and he helps find them in my car in the morning and then pays the Donut Lady. And says please and Thank you. It's a really good lesson for him.
Then we were off to preschool. We spent a few minutes in the parking garage and I got his movie going now that the movie player had warmed up, which made the drive to school less stressful. The roads were still just as crummy.

The fax never came in today. But at least the numbers were faxed to our doctor and Nurse J called us around 11:45 with the counts. His numbers are 184!! Woo Hoo a 20 point increase since Monday! Hopefully we will stay up for quite awhile.

Next Steps: Blood Work again on Monday.

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