Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 29 - Blood Work

May 29 - Blood Work

Levi had his well kids check this morning so Daddy was with us as well today, and we did blood work a little late because it was after his 8:30 appointment.

We got to the lab and asked Levi if he wanted to drop off Glowy first or blood work first, and he chose Glowy, so we headed to the NICU to drop him off. Levi was very excited this year to drop him off, and gave him a kiss and said "I love you Glowy. But you aren't our Glowy, he's at home!" He doesn't understand at this point why we drop off a Glowy on or near May 26th and he isn't quite old enough to understand, so we don't explain what he doesn't ask. Mommy and Daddy love you Cupid! And another little kid will love a Glowy now!
Then we were off to the lab! Levi ran all the way there. We got there and P wasn't there and there was someone in the lab so we set down to wait. Levi took selfies and then played games on my phone.
Then we headed into the lab and Levi picked out his band-aid and climbed up in the chair to open it.

Then the guy taking the blood (I can't remember his name) handed Levi a birthday card that had been stapled to Levi's folder. So at some point over the weekend P came in and left Levi's birthday card for him. She is so sweet and loves him so much! Levi wanted to open it right away and ripped it open while he was waiting.

The blood draw went fairly well. We did have to get it changed from a yellow tube to a green tube for the stat order, but that was fairly easy. Jay also checked to make sure that both fax numbers had been put in as they aren't always when its someone besides P. Then the draw started. Levi did great as usual, but since P and I have taught Levi to grab his sleeve or the tighty tight if he needs to grab something when the needle goes in both the nurse and daddy were upset that the tighty tight was too tight. I tried to quickly explain that it was fine, but thats a hard quick conversation.

The draw was over fairly quick and Levi was off to the treasure box. He saw a yellow Super Bear and picked it out for Daddy and handed it to him. I think for a second he thought he was going to be able to pick something else for him if he gave the super bear to daddy, but he didn't say anything when I shut the treasure box.
Then we were off to get a donut! Levi gave hugs to T and then ordered his donut and a cinnamon bun for daddy!
And then we were off to the car to head to school!
Counts came in at 10:45! So they came in quickly today which was nice. It's never known how they will do when it is someone besides P. Counts were 206! So a great number still. A 44 point drop since last week but still a great number.

May 23 - Blood Work

May 23 - Blood Work

Happy Wednesday!! Levi's fountain is working from the top again and boy was he excited. He told everyone as they walked by that his fountain was working.

After we looked at the fountain we headed over to the lab. P was surprised to see us and I explained that we had all slept in on Monday and that today was the day that worked for us. The draw went quick and easy as always! And we were off to the treasure box before I knew it. Levi picked 3 pencils today and was very excited about the colors. I let him take all 3 since the pencils have been in the box for months now, so it's not like he is really taking something that another kid absolutely must have.
P was showing me a video of a robot that can take blood and Levi wanted to watch too, so she got down to show him.
Then we were off to get a donut!
And off to school! Levi's counts came in within 40 minutes again today! His count is 250! So it's actually increased since the last time we took it!

Next steps: Blood work again next Tuesday. The next time we do blood work Levi will be 4! It doesn't seem real!

May 18 - Blood Work

May 18 - Blood Work

Good Morning! Happy Friday! We got to the hospital and they were working on his fountain. He was upset that they were working on it, but we talked about that maybe that means that they got the part in and will be truly fixing his fountain this time.
We went over to see P at the lab and Levi went running right in to get his band-aid. I told P that we never got yesterday's lab results and I have never seen her so mad. She knew that we had just had a procedure and needed these counts and this was not the time to be messed up. She got right on the phone with her boss and explained the situation. Her boss looked it up and saw that the order had been put in correctly but once the blood got down to the lab it went into the non-stat line and that indeed it was not faxed out until 5:51. She was floored on why this had happened and would be contacting IS immediately to get to the bottom of it. She told P to apologize to us profusely and that it wouldn't happen again.

While P and I were talking and dealing with this Levi got his band-aid and then climbed up in the chair and played on the iPad.
He was having a blast playing his Thomas game.
The draw went great as always. P is truly amazing with him. Then we were off to the treasure box and to get a sticker and then we were on our way to school.

P's phone call definitely worked because the fax came in today at 8:48!! Less then 40 minutes from the time we left! His count is 246! So a great number. I would say his procedure didn't hurt his counts at all and we are in the clear.

Next steps: Blood work again next week! Have a great weekend everyone.

May 17 - Blood Work

May 17 - Blood Work

Happy Thursday! Levi's procedure yesterday went great so we were able to come home yesterday and do blood work today and tomorrow to make sure that all is good.

We got to the lab and P and I were talking about things and I told her about Levi's procedure and how we were coming for the next few days to make sure all was going well.

Levi climbed in his chair and settled in to play games.
The blood draw went super quick and easy as per usual and then we were off to the treasure box. Levi picked green maracas and enjoyed shaking them the whole way out of the hospital and all the way to school.
I was worried about counts all day as we needed to make sure that they were in a good place after yesterday. I kept bugging Jay every 30-45 minutes and of course he was busy at work since he was out yesterday so I know that I annoyed him. I called the house several times as well but the counts never came in. Finally at 3:00 we called medical records and they sent the counts over. His count was 248! So a great number, but very frustrating that we had to chase that number down.

Next Steps: We will do blood work again tomorrow morning to make sure that the counts are staying up where they need to.

Update: the fax did come in at 5:51pm! Almost 10 hours after we did blood work for a stat lab! That is ridiculous and totally unacceptable.

May 14 - Blood Work

May 14 - Blood Work

Happy Monday!! Today is the last blood work prior to the procedure at BCH. Todays numbers have to come back good in order for everything to work out!

We got to the lab and went running right in to get our band-aid.
Today we stood on the floor to open the band-aid.
Before climbing up in the chair to play on the tablet while we wait for P.
The draw went amazing as always. P is so good at what she does and the two of them have such a great relationship that he trusts her no matter what she does.

We were off to the treasure box before I knew it. Levi struggled to decide what he wanted but ended up settling on a green super bear.
Super Bear and Levi were doing tricks in the car.
Levi asked me to bring Levi into my work so he didn't have to be alone all day. I thought that was a bit much, but I did take a picture of him in my car for Levi.
Counts came in today around 9:45, not a bad time. His count is 260! So we have a great number and that is the last box we needed to check for Wednesday so we are good to go! I don't know what the next steps will be as it will depend on if Levi stays overnight at BCH or we come home that day.

May 9 - Infusion #41

May 9 - Infusion #41

We got over to the hospital and the parking garage was packed and for the first time ever there were two guards at the guard stand, it has never had anyone in it before. They simply asked me if I had an appointment or not. When I said yes, they simply waved me in. It was very strange. We parked on purple for Levi, but in all honesty we only went up one extra floor. The first spots were on yellow.

We got inside and got checked in. Then Levi went running back to see Nurse A. It was very quiet out back and she gave him the choice of whatever room he wanted. He picked the jungle room, no real surprise there! Then we went in to do his "work". He did an amazing job on the scale and height and getting his blood pressure, temp, and oxygen level.

Note Levi's socks are upside down. They have luigi on them from Mario Brothers. When he put them on this morning he said "I don't want to look at that old dude with the mustache" and put him on the bottom so he could just see the stripes. It was funny and Grammie and I had everything we could do not to laugh at him.

After his work we headed into the playroom to play. Levi was bouncing around playing with lots of different things. We see a lot of anxiety the mornings of infusions now from the time we get up until he is accessed. Once the access is done we don't see much more for the rest of the day, so that's good. But it makes for a stressful and exhausting morning.
After a few minutes in the playroom it was time for the access. Nurse S was our nurse today and she does a great job with him. For the first time ever he would actually wear a mask and keep it on the whole time. In fact Nurse S brought in masks for Grammie and me and not one for Levi since usually he won't keep it on and he looks at her and goes "Where is my mask?" She went out and got a Mickey Mouse one for him and he put it on and kept it on the whole time of the access.
After the access was done Dr. K came in and said that she had taken a look at Levi's file and there is no chest x-ray so we will need to do one. BCH needs a chest x-ray in order to know for sure where Levi's port is before they will use it next week. It's kinda frustrating that we need to do more medical stuff for him because of this. Why won't BCH just accept DHMC saying that his port works correctly, why do we need to do an unnecessary x-ray?! Ugh. But yet again it's a hoop I have to jump thru in order to get the procedure done next week.

We headed over to x-ray. Levi was very anxious about this and unsure why we were leaving his normal clinic area. We got over there and got checked in and waited for his turn. While we were waiting Levi saw a sign about osteoporosis and asked us what it said and what it meant. We tried to explain it to him in a 3 year old way. He had a full on sad heart break melt down and said that he could never have slushies again and he can only ever have milk. We tried to calm him down and explain things, but he was not consolable. It was kinda a nightmare. Thankfully he got called in and that changed his mind set.

We got in and had to get Levi lined up. It was a standing x-ray and he struggled to stand still and look where he was supposed to. Lining it up took quite awhile, but we did finally get a good picture. Then we could head back to clinic. Levi practically ran back, I think he was ready to be in his own comfort area.

We got back over to clinic and he was ready to drive his car to the snack drive thru.
He backed into the drive thru this time.
Then his car ran out of gas. He put in enough gas to get back to the parking lot, but determined that he needed a wagon ride to get a drink. Grammie pulled him in the wagon and they went around and around. He stopped to get a drink and was upset that there was no sunkist, so he went around the loop again and asked Nurse A if she had any "Orange Bubbly Soda". She did, so she put it in the fridge for him. It made his day.
While I was popping Levi's popcorn Dr. K came over to tell me that Levi's blood work had come back. His count was 259. So, as expected, still a great number. Dr. K and I had a discussion about what to do. She considered us going home and possibly coming back on Friday or next Tuesday to do an infusion. I put my foot down on that and said that the BCH doctor is requiring an infusion in order to sign off on the procedure and since I needed the procedure I need the infusion. Dr. K laughed and said "so it's the battle of the hematologists at this point." I said yes, but since I am stuck I had to insist on the infusion. Dr. K and I talked for a few more minutes and then decided that we would give Levi a third of an infusion. This would take care of BCH's need for an infusion, but shouldn't boost Levi too high which would hopefully help us not crash.

The infusion got started right away which was nice. The clinic was still very quiet and I asked Nurse A about it, and she said Levi was the only patient in clinic today! Wow! We settled in for the Benadryl and infusion with a movie. Levi picked Doc McStuffins to watch today. It should hopefully be a short day since the infusion is only a third.
Dr. K came in to do a quick check of Levi. He was annoyed that she was blocking him from watching  Doc McStuffins.
Even though it was a short day it seemed to take forever.
Levi was really good at snacking and watching his movie.
After the infusion was done we went to get un-accessed and Levi had the worst melt down ever for no real reason. He just couldn't seem to calm down. I held him for a few minutes and tried to get him to relax, but it wasn't working. He just was screaming and crying. We walked down to the playroom and finally he settled down once we got out the play-dough. He couldn't ever tell me what was wrong. Nurse A and Nurse S seemed concerned and I couldn't tell them what was up. Dr. C saw him and took one look at him and said, "thats a Benadryl anger". After she said that it all made sense, and yup that's exactly what it was. Normally Levi would have had another 90-120 minutes of relaxing in the chair and watching movies or playing on his tablet and letting the Benadryl wear off that he didn't have today. It shocked me how much it affected him, but it definitely did.

After letting him play for a few minutes we cleaned up our stuff and headed out of clinic. We went down to the cafe for lunch. I thought Levi would think that was a fun treat, but instead he just didn't want to listen or do anything. He did finally eat his hot dog and apple so that was good.
On the way out of the hospital we stopped and saw the stick moose which usually makes Levi happy, but again today it was just another melt down.
We got to the car and Levi continued to be a crazy man. It was a LONG drive home. Levi was loud and crazy! But at least this unnecessary infusion is over and now we can go to BCH and tell them that we did everything that they insisted so they need to sign off now for next week.

May 8-9 - David's House

May 8-9 - David's House

Since Levi's counts are fine and we are only having an infusion tomorrow so that he can have a procedure next week we definitely let Levi go to swim class tonight. Grammie is down in New Hampshire to come with us, so Daddy picked her up at our house and brought her down to swim class so that we could leave straight from swim. After class Levi, Grammie, and I headed out for David's House. Levi told everyone at school and at swim class that we were heading to David's House. You would think we were headed to an amusement park with how excited he gets that we are going. We stopped at McDonald's on the drive up and then arrived at David's House at about 8:15. We got checked into the bug room and then headed downstairs to play.

Levi was being silly on the slide and playing with the toys.
Then he wanted to build with the different types of blocks, so we all set at the little table and built. It was a lot of fun.
Levi made this pattern of mismatched blocks all by himself. He was really proud that he found the right ones to match and made them all mismatch.

Then it was time to head upstairs for bed. Levi was definitely tired and it didn't take him long to fall asleep.
Grammie and I headed downstairs and enjoyed brownies and a little reading and relaxing in the living room. It was nice to just unwind.

Levi was up pretty early in the morning. He got on his tablet and played for a little while until Grammie and I were more awake. Then we headed into the bathroom to get ready. Levi had a full on heart break in the bathroom when we told him that sometimes babies are at David's House, we only said something because it was still 7am and he was squealing in the bathroom and we were trying to get him to quiet down. I really didn't expect it to break his heart. It was sad.

Then we headed down for breakfast. Levi ate more food for breakfast then I have seen him eat in forever. He ate half a bagel with peanut butter, a juice box, an apple sauce container, and a bowl of cereal. And I think he would have eaten more but he had to go potty and once he was finished with that he wanted to play and not get sticky again. Some days he won't eat anything and other days he is a bottom less pit.

After breakfast we headed downstairs to play. Levi made a friend downstairs and they played super heroes for awhile.
Then Levi, his new friend, Grammie, and I played a few board games together. They had a great time being silly and playing games.

After that it was time to head over to the hospital. His appointment is technically at 11, but we are heading over around 10:15 or so. The nurses always tell us that we can come over whenever and hopefully they mean it today as I just don't feel like hanging around much longer and would like to get this show on the road.

Thanks as always David's House. It was great to stay here again. We love being able to come up and see you guys! We will be back!! :)

Monday, May 21, 2018

May 7 - Blood Work

May 7 - Blood Work

Good Morning! What a crazy day at the lab today! I needed to get some blood work taken as well today and I had told Levi that if there was next to no wait then we would do mommy as well, but if there was a wait then I would just do him and take him to school and then go back to the lab after.

We got to the lab and there was one person in registration and that was it, so I figured it would go quick. Boy was I wrong!! Thankfully P heard Levi out in the waiting room and brought him the tablet so he had that to occupy him, because the guy in registration must have asked a million questions. We were waiting for him to be done for more then 10 minutes. Levi was a good boy and we played lots of games together.

Once we got into registration it only took about 3 minutes. Handed over my paperwork and signed the forms. I honestly do not know what the guy ahead of us was doing.

We headed over to the lab and got signed in and had to wait again because we registered so quickly that P hadn't even finished drawing the guy's blood. I signed Levi and me in and he set down to keep playing games.
It wasn't long before we got called in. When we walked in P looked very confused at the sign in sheet, and that's when I realized she had no idea what my real name was. I said "oh you get to draw us both today" and handed over my paperwork. She breathed a little sigh of relief and said "oh ok. I thought I was going crazy cause there is no one else in the waiting room". It made me giggle a little.

Levi headed right over to pick out his band-aid. He also picked one out for me. He wanted to make sure that I had a special Mommy band-aid. It was really sweet!

Levi's draw went super easy and quick. Levi really does have quite the routine down for this now. Then he was off to the treasure box while P drew my blood. He liked that he had lots of time at the treasure box and I wasn't rushing him. He ended up settling on a McQueen chalk board and was excited to get to color. Then he got a sticker by himself, which meant he unrolled half the roll to pull it down to his height, but that's ok, we got it rolled back up.

Then we were off to the car!
My special Mommy band-aid!
Counts came in today at 10:11am, about 100 minutes after we were there. Still in my "very good" category, but definitely trending towards annoying. His count today was 274 so a great number but a drop since Thursday.

Next Plan: Curve ball plan!! We will be going to David's House tomorrow night for an infusion on Wednesday. Levi has a minor procedure next week and the BCH doctors are requiring him to have an infusion before the procedure to ensure that he has adamsTS13 in his system. So we are infusing a kid in the upper 200's. Not my favorite thing, but I also need him to have the procedure so it's one of those pain medical things that we have to deal with.