Monday, May 21, 2018

May 7 - Blood Work

May 7 - Blood Work

Good Morning! What a crazy day at the lab today! I needed to get some blood work taken as well today and I had told Levi that if there was next to no wait then we would do mommy as well, but if there was a wait then I would just do him and take him to school and then go back to the lab after.

We got to the lab and there was one person in registration and that was it, so I figured it would go quick. Boy was I wrong!! Thankfully P heard Levi out in the waiting room and brought him the tablet so he had that to occupy him, because the guy in registration must have asked a million questions. We were waiting for him to be done for more then 10 minutes. Levi was a good boy and we played lots of games together.

Once we got into registration it only took about 3 minutes. Handed over my paperwork and signed the forms. I honestly do not know what the guy ahead of us was doing.

We headed over to the lab and got signed in and had to wait again because we registered so quickly that P hadn't even finished drawing the guy's blood. I signed Levi and me in and he set down to keep playing games.
It wasn't long before we got called in. When we walked in P looked very confused at the sign in sheet, and that's when I realized she had no idea what my real name was. I said "oh you get to draw us both today" and handed over my paperwork. She breathed a little sigh of relief and said "oh ok. I thought I was going crazy cause there is no one else in the waiting room". It made me giggle a little.

Levi headed right over to pick out his band-aid. He also picked one out for me. He wanted to make sure that I had a special Mommy band-aid. It was really sweet!

Levi's draw went super easy and quick. Levi really does have quite the routine down for this now. Then he was off to the treasure box while P drew my blood. He liked that he had lots of time at the treasure box and I wasn't rushing him. He ended up settling on a McQueen chalk board and was excited to get to color. Then he got a sticker by himself, which meant he unrolled half the roll to pull it down to his height, but that's ok, we got it rolled back up.

Then we were off to the car!
My special Mommy band-aid!
Counts came in today at 10:11am, about 100 minutes after we were there. Still in my "very good" category, but definitely trending towards annoying. His count today was 274 so a great number but a drop since Thursday.

Next Plan: Curve ball plan!! We will be going to David's House tomorrow night for an infusion on Wednesday. Levi has a minor procedure next week and the BCH doctors are requiring him to have an infusion before the procedure to ensure that he has adamsTS13 in his system. So we are infusing a kid in the upper 200's. Not my favorite thing, but I also need him to have the procedure so it's one of those pain medical things that we have to deal with.

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