Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 28 - Blood Work

Levi did amazing at blood work today!! Not a single peep out of him. He set right down in the chair, held his little arm out for the "nice nurse" and let her stick him. I didn't even really have to hold him still at all. The only peep he even tried to make was when the second nurse decided to try to cover his eyes, he didn't like that, apparently he is like me and wants to watch what is going on.

Levi waiting like a big boy!
Numbers came back this morning at 359. So we are definitely trending down. If this continues at the same trend it looks like we will be doing plasma next week while we are in Lebanon. Which works right in to the 2-3 week cycles. So we shall see how it is next week.

For now Levi is being his normal happy little self. Maybe he will sleep later then 6:30 tomorrow, that'd be swell for Mommy and Daddy!!!

Hope you all had a great day!!

UPDATE: He didn't sleep later then 6:30... in fact he was up at 6:20! I don't know why I set an alarm clock this week, he's been awake before it every day!

It's a good thing he's cute!!
Watching Sophia this morning while I figured out what the plan was as we had no daycare last minute. 

1 comment:

  1. He's up cause he's feeling better. Has to make up for lost play time.
