Monday, July 31, 2017

July 27 - Blood Work

July 27 - Blood Work

We got over to blood work a little later then usual (none of us could get going this morning) and for the first time in awhile there was a little wait. We settled in to the chairs to wait.

 Waiting was not going well. Levi was antsy and angry and mad! Thankfully the lady who was in getting her blood drawn from P was a regular  who knew Levi so P allowed Levi to come in to get his band-aid while she was finishing up with the other lady (per the other ladies permission of course!) There are now at least 5 people who do blood work on Thursdays and ask if Levi has gotten there yet/hope for a glimpse of him! He's like the local celebrity!

Levi picked out his band-aid and then told me he was sitting by himself again. He did great again! When did my baby get so big!!! Then he headed off to the treasure box. He picked a spinning light thing and had fun playing with it in the car.

 Levi requested to go to Dunkin Donuts and I said sure so off we went. We went inside and ordered. The staff was busy and there were a lot of them and people and such so I ordered and then expected them to get my order right. This is where I should always double check! We got out to the car and I handed Levi his coolata (did you know you can order extra small?! One of DD's best kept secrets, they are cheap and the perfect size!) and then opened the bag to hand him his donut and the donut did not have sprinkles on it! They had given him the wrong one! I thought the world might split in two with the scream that came out of him. As I was getting him unbuckled to go back in and exchange his donut he took a big bite out of this one and said "I'll eat this one Mommy!"I gave him a big high five and said I was proud of him. He ate 90% of that donut!

Counts came in later in the morning then usual and were 229! A great number still, but a pretty hefty drop since last week! Good thing we are headed into an infusion because "once we drop we just don't stop!"

Next plan: Infusion on Tuesday August 1st and we are bringing Grammie!! :)

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