Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 3 - Blood Work

August 3 - Blood Work

Levi woke up nice and early in his own bed! We lounged at home for a little bit to make sure that his morning was going to go ok and then got ready for preschool. The doctors had asked us to do his blood work as late in the day as possible to try to give his body the most chance it could, so Levi headed off to school. Grammie was hanging at our house for the day in case we needed to jet off to Lebanon again tonight. If we are in the clear then we will be taking her home tonight so she can babysit her other grandkids tomorrow, if we need her to go to Lebanon then she will be going there.

I picked Levi up from school at 12:20 (we didn't want him going down for nap and then having to be woken up) and we headed over to the lab. Since the time was different then normal there was a bit of a wait, and none of the people who were there were the friendly people who know Levi! We settled in to wait!

 Once we got inside Levi took a softy soft "for me to take home" and was rubbing it. He also insisted on sitting by himself. I filled P in a little on our week so that she would know we might have a few more issues today then some days.
 The blood draw did not go well. Levi told P "I don't like that pokey thing" and locked his arm against his chest so tight and hugged it with the other one. Eventually we got him to put his arm out and she got the draw done but it was not without screams! That is not like him!

He headed over to the treasure box. He picked out a green dinosaur to "snuggle with"! We have (or had) named him snugglesaurus (it's a super cute book, look it up if you have never read it before) and he was very happy to snuggle with him the whole time we drove home.

We drove slowly home as I was waiting for results to come in and we stopped and bought slushies too! Once we got home we played with Grammie for a few and worked on the laundry waiting for results. An hour after the draw had been done we still didn't have results. I made Jay call the lab (it's a stat order, an hour is plenty of time to get the results) and get the number. Levi's platelet count is 185!!! YAY!!! So glad it's gone up. No need for an infusion with numbers like that!! This ordeal is slowly getting behind us!!

Next plan: Blood work again on Monday to make sure things are still going ok.

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