Tuesday, March 6, 2018

February 21 - Endocrinology Appointment

February 21 - Endocrinology Appointment

It's been 6 months since our last endocrinology appointment so we are making the trek down to see Dr. C. Several months ago we got bad lab results that stated his TSH was up way too high again and we had to do a med increase, all labs since then have been back in Levi normal (which is slightly elevated, but not enough to worry about it, and any additional meds put us in a weird place so its better to be where we are!)

Due to some scheduling conflicts it made sense for Levi and I to make the trek down alone and for Jay to go to work, so that's what we did. We made it to the appointment with plenty of time and got the paperwork filled out.

When we got into the room, Levi's was having fun showing the nurse his monster on his shirt. The pictures aren't great, but the monsters mouth is a zipper and if you unzip it there is a tongue that can stick out, and then you can zip it back up again. Levi loves to do it! But he always tells me that his monster is a friendly monster not a scary monster!

After we got his height and weight it was time to meet with Dr. C. This is the point where Levi got very shy. He wouldn't answer any of Dr. C's questions and he just wanted me to hold him. It was a little weird since usually Levi is great at appointments and even with strangers will tell them things. Dr. C even asked him questions about planets and Levi wouldn't answer, which is unheard of for him.
Dr. C looked at him and determined that as per usual clinically we are on the correct thyroid replacement hormone dosage. That Levi is staying on the expected growth curve, his body looks good, and his brain is above where it needs to be. We will be back in 6 months for another clinical check and will do labs for a blood check every 3 months as per usual.

We headed out to make our next appointment and Levi got Toy Story stickers which made him excited.
Then we were off to school where they were going on a "field trip" of a walk around town and Levi desperately wanted to get there. We made pretty good time, had a random flinging of a DVD across the car (a story that Levi will happily and giggly tell you if you ask!), a stop at Dunkin Donuts for a much needed potty break, and then we found his class. It was a strange drop off, as I dropped him off on the field trip, so essentially on the side of the road, but Levi didn't care, he was excited to be with his friends and to not have missed the walk!

I am so glad that at this point his thyroid is mostly under control. As he gets older we will run into issues with keeping it stabilized some (especially around puberty) but for now it's doing well, and this is now one of our lower medical concerns. Sometimes it's hard to remember back when his thyroid was the medical concern that caused all the stress in my life and the tears from both mommy and a very baby Levi as we literally shoved meds down his throat and then walked the house with a crying baby who couldn't eat yet. The amount of exercise I got in that hour was crazy, just walking and bouncing. And now he takes his meds with just chewing them, and we don't really have to wait because by the time he is done with his morning stuff its been long enough. It just goes to show that every stress in your life is measured against other stressers, and what one persons 10 is another persons 2, try not to worry too much because you never know, what you once thought was the worst thing in your child's life might become just a blip in the radar and a twice yearly drive south. Everything is relative. I was brought up in a household that believes that you shouldn't put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because you are only guaranteed today and you can't take money to your grave, and with everything that has happened with Levi that has truly continued to be my motto in life!!

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