Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16 - Blood Work

April 16 - Blood Work

Happy Monday! It's icy and rainy and cold here. Took about 15 minutes to chip off both me and Jay's cars this morning with all the ice that was on them. Then the drive to the hospital took a little longer then normal as the roads were slushy and some places of black ice along with some nasty ice coming down and pelting the car. I am so ready for winter to be over! That does say April 16th right, not January 16th! Ugh. Thankfully Levi watched PJ Masks the whole way to the hospital so I was able to concentrate on driving and the road conditions and the ice flying off of everyone's cars.

We got to the hospital and went right to the lab. There was a short wait as another nurse was in with P getting everything all set. Levi took a super cute pic this morning and then started playing the ice cream game on my phone.
 He had barely started playing when P called him in and he went in and climbed in the chair. We had to remind him to get his band-aid. He was very excited to see the pee cup on top of the band-aid cabinet, and we had to both remind him not to touch it. But he was super excited about it. He asked if he got to pee in a cup too. Finally we got him to pick a band-aid.
 The lab draw went great as always. Levi was then off to pick a sticker! He picked batman today, but was very bummed that super man wasn't an option. And then he was off to the treasure box. I was showing P some pictures of the green bunny from last week (the bunny has been a staple at our dining room table over the weekend, needing to eat with us including having his own bowl) and Levi opened the treasure box and saw that there were other bunny's in there. He looked at me and said "Mommy I don't have a bunny family, just one bunny" so he decided to take the purple bunny today, and that on Thursday he is going to take the blue bunny, and Monday the pink bunny. Hopefully the bunnies will hang out for awhile. I reminded Levi that someone else might choose a bunny, but he said "Mommy they are a family. They will stick together!"

Then we were off to the fountain. Levi was a little bummed that it is still only flowing water from the bottom, but I reminded him that we had talked to someone on the maintenance staff last week who had told us that there is a crack in the tube bringing the water to the top and that they are waiting on a part for it, so they are working to fix it. Once I reminded him of that he seemed happy again.
 Then he was showing Mommy Bunny the fountain and talking about Green Bunny and asking her if she missed him and such. It was super cute.
 Then we were off to the car to head to school. Mommy Bunny was sad because apparently she can only talk with medicine otherwise she turns into regular again. Thankfully I had the needed medicine so Mommy bunny was able to keep talking.

Counts came in early today around 9:25! His count had dropped to 132 and his WBC has gone up. Not sure what is causing this as he seems fine and isn't showing any sickness issues but who knows what is going on in his little body. We have had some pretty serious drops over the past week or so, so I am expecting that trend to continue and figure we will be under the 100 level by Thursday and therefore be at CHaD on Friday, but we can hope that doesn't happen!

Next Steps: We will do blood work again on Thursday unless we see anything prior to then.

UPDATE: I got back to my desk (and phone) after writing this blog post during a work meeting to several voicemails. Levi's doctor doesn't want to wait for more blood work on Thursday. She gave us the option to come either Tuesday at 9 or Wednesday at 9 for an infusion. We chose Wednesday at 9 so that Levi can still go to swim class on Tuesday (we don't pull him out of activities unless his count is under 100). So we will be headed to David's House on Tuesday after his swim classes for an infusion Wednesday morning at 9am!

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