Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June 4 - Blood Work

June 4 - Blood Work

Happy Monday!! It was a pretty good weekend! But here we are back at the lab. We got to the hospital and Levi was excited to see his fountain. We stopped and watched it for a few minutes. Then we headed in to see P. There was no line or waiting today so we went right in.

Levi was in a great mood and the draw went off super quick and easy. He didn't move at all, and barely got to play Thomas before we were done. Then we were off to the treasure box. There were all kinds of choices and he struggled to choose, but ended up picking a green maraca and a purple maraca so that Mommy and him could both have 3. Not sure how we are going to play 3 since we only have 2 hands, but I figure he will let me know how to play them! haha!
 Then we were on our way out. I didn't have donut money today so we just stopped at the fountain. He was very excited to see money in the fountain! He tried to take it out, so we had to have the talk again about fountain money not being money you can just have!
 On the way out Levi asked if we could visit his friend, the blue light. So we did. He was so excited. He had a full conversation with the light.
 Then he gave him a hug and blew him a kiss good bye!
 And told him that we would see him soon. It was adorable!
Then we were off to school!

Counts took a little while to come in today which was frustrating. I actually ended up finding the counts from the nurse who called my cell phone. Never a good sign when they call my cell. His counts were 153! So another big drop. Nurse J wanted to know if we wanted to schedule an infusion or wait. I said let's wait. The likelihood of his counts going back up is slim, but its always a possibility, so we will run blood work again on Thursday with the full expectation that we will be headed to Lebanon Thursday night for an infusion on Friday. Levi's birthday party is on Saturday so I am hoping and praying that either his counts go up or his infusion goes off without a hitch. That kid misses so much, I would hate to have to be in the hospital for his birthday party and have to cancel it. If everyone can think good thoughts for us that would be awesome!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

June 1 - Blood Work

June 1 - Blood Work

Good Morning!! Happy Friday. Because of the Monday holiday we are a day off on blood work so we are here on Friday instead of Thursday.

We got to the lab and there was one lady waiting and a guy inside. We settled in to wait. Levi was being a goofball this morning.
 He settled down to play with my phone, but that didn't go well. He wasn't listening and was breaking the phone rules so he ended up getting the phone taken away and had to just sit for a few minutes. After his phone time out he got the phone back, but then P brought the tablet out to him and that is always much better for him. So he played Thomas.
 Then it was our turn. We went in and Levi was very excited to see P. He made me pick his band-aid today since he was already playing on the tablet. Then P came over and started doing his blood draw, and we had a good laugh when she realized that she knows what he needs so much that she was starting to do the draw without having put his order in. Oops. So she went over to the computer to put the order in and print out Levi's labels. She came back over and the draw went fairly well. Levi didn't move much but his blood just didn't want to come out today. She wiggled the needle a little and I held Levi's arm a little harder and straighter and we got it to come out finally. His poor little veins are getting so tired, and he has years upon years of this ahead of him.

Then we were off to the treasure box. Levi was looking at lots of fun things but ended up picking a set of purple maracas for me since they are my favorite color! He said that we could be in a band together because now he has green maracas and I have purple ones. It was really cute.
 Then we had a bit of a melt down because I didn't have donut money today, but it ended pretty quick when I said we could find a snack in the car for him. He picked apple sauce and happily ate it on the way to school.
I signed Levi into school at 8:57 and preliminary results (no LDH only CBC) came in at 8:58! It's only 13 minutes to school, so that means preliminary results came in about 20-25 minutes post draw! That's amazing. Final results came in around 9:30!! So a great results timing day! However not necessarily a great results day. Counts are down to 179! Another big drop. If this continues we will be at an infusion by the end of next week. Hopefully they will level out here, but who knows. I haven't worked a full week in almost 6 weeks, next week was to be the first full week, so it would be about right to throw an infusion in and cause it to be a short week too!

Next steps: Blood Work again on Monday to see where we are at. Fingers crossed that counts level out!