Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 30 - Blood Work

October 30 - Blood Work

Well we woke up this morning to power but most of the rest of the state didn't, including both Jay and my work. So it was a lazy morning at home. We watched a few shows and had breakfast at home. After Jay got home from making sure everything at the shop was shut down ok we got dressed and all headed to the lab. We haven't all gone in awhile so it was a nice treat. The drive down was fairly uneventful until we hit Dover and the lights were out at the intersections.

We got to the hospital and they were running on generator. Oddest feeling ever. Levi was very upset that the fountain wasn't working. We tried to explain to him that power for the fountain did not fall into the essential category, but he tried to explain that it did.

We headed over to the lab and there was a long line so we settled in to wait. We took some family Selfies and then Levi played games on my phone until it was his turn.

He had a picture that he had painted for P as a thank you and was very excited to give it to her, but she wasn't there. My guess is that she had no power and no way to get to work. Hopefully everything is ok. The nurse that we had has drawn Levi before. I can't remember her name, and for the first time ever he didn't ask someones name.

When they called him he went running in to get his band-aid and the other nurse was not impressed by that. I thought she was going to say something to him until I said "Get your band-aid sweetie". Then we were in the other chair today, which I think was a good thing because it made it a definite difference. The nurse came over and got out a purple tube and a yellow tube and a piece of tape. Levi asked her why she had tape, and she just said I do. He wouldn't let it go, "but why do you have tape?" and "we don't need tape". I think its probably because P tells him that he is special and thats why he gets a cool band-aid and that non-special people just get a cotton ball and tape, and I think he was probably putting that together as him not being special. Finally she said "yes you will get a band-aid, it's just habit". And he accepted that. We got her to change her tube from yellow to green. She wasn't impressed that we called her out on that, but we have enough trouble getting his results I don't need it to also not be the right tube.

Once the draw started it went pretty quick and easy and then he was off to the treasure box. It was a rough decision day today! But he did finally settle on a green hulk plane.

And yes he does have his rain boots on, he wanted to be able to splash in the puddles. :)

Then we started the adventure of getting him to preschool. With multiple roads closed and lights out it was an adventure, but we made it and dropped him off.

At this point we still do not have counts in, and have not received a phone call from DHMC either so I assume they do not have them. We need to get a hold of the lab and see what is up with that, but I am sure their fax machine is probably not essential either.

Update: We called the lab who sent us to medical records, who claimed they didn't have our fax or signature on file so that was a whole nightmare, but thankfully Jay handled it and we got counts. His platelets are 192. So a drop since Thursday, but still an amazing number. will be interesting to see what they are tomorrow.

October 26 - Blood Work

October 26 - Blood Work

Today is a paw patrol day! He has on paw patrol shoes, socks, underwear, pants, and shirt! So of course we had to also pick out a paw patrol band-aid. Thankfully when we got to the lab there was no line no waiting. So he went right in and found the paw patrol box, and I luckily found one with Rocky on it! MOTY right there!! HAHA.

The blood draw went well as always. After just seconds Levi took off for the treasure box. He picked a spiro drawing thing and opened it up right in the lab. P gave Levi some paper to use with it because it didn't come with any.

As we left the lab he asked if he could get a donut and I said sure since it had been a few trips since his last one. We got over to the case and he saw his donut and then was checking out the sleeping owls (the purple things at the bottom of the case). He was upset because they looked sad.
He ordered and paid for his donut and proudly lugged it to the car in the bag! Once we got in the car he started eating right away.
For the first time in awhile he didn't finish the donut and I was concerned that he wasn't feeling well. He said his nosey hurt. I think he is having trouble breathing and that is making him not want to eat as much. Hopefully this cold goes away soon.

His counts came in after just 30 minutes! WOW! Some days the lab really is on the ball. His counts were 215! WHAT!?!? How is this even possible?! How is his body doing this?! I really hope we aren't missing something. He has a runny nose and is covered in bruises and yet his count is going up?!?! It doesn't make sense.

October 23 - Blood Work

October 23 - Blood Work

Happy Monday! Back to the regular life!! For those of you who only think I feed Levi donuts here he is happily munching on cheerios on the way to blood work after he had eaten his whole apple sauce pouch (the green thing next to him!)
We got to the lab and there was no line and no waiting! Levi went right in and found his band-aid and climbed up in the chair.

P had the games ready for him to play and he was excited to play them!
The draw itself went great as always and he now always says his last name and birthday numbers. So really I have no work to do!

P had told him that she had a special surprise for him today, so instead of going to the treasure box, he got to open up his special present from P. He was so excited. He threw the paper everywhere as he was opening it.
He opened up to Fingerlings!! He was excited!
Here he is showing me the box!
He wanted to open them right away and P got the scissors and got the box open. We only took out Willy and turned him on and were playing with him. Levi was having a blast with him and proudly lugged him all the way to the car.
Here he is introducing the world to Willy!
He wanted to open Milly and their playset but I told him that would have to wait until after school. He was ok with that and spent the car ride playing with Willy. Giving him kisses, "fluffing" his hair, and putting him to sleep, only to wake him back up and giggle. It was awesome to see him so excited. And it was so sweet of P to get them for him. She really does love him and he loves her!!

Counts came in around 10:30 at 195. That's a great number! A confusing number! I don't understand how they are going up while he continues to have a cold and green yucky runny nose. But they are so I will take it. I just hope we aren't missing something.

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 19 - Blood Work

October 19 - Blood Work

It's a cold morning here in NH! I think fall is setting in! Levi looks sharp in his McQueen jacket though! There was a little wait at the lab so Levi was taking silly pictures!

 Then he had a minute to play Toca Kitchen before getting called in. He picked out his band-aid and was very excited to get a space man! Space is our latest obsession! He climbed up in his chair to open his band-aid.
 P had gotten a new tablet for the lab and had loaded a game on it for the kids to play to distract them. Levi loved playing with it, however for a kid who does blood work so well it was almost more of a time suck then time savings, but he liked it and P loved showing him how to use it!
The draw went well! Levi gave his last name and birth date numbers so that was good. Then he was off to the treasure box. He had a few minutes at the treasure box today s I was talking to P about something she had purchased and wanted to give to Levi next week. Levi kept bringing different things from the treasure box over to me and explaining them to me. When I would ask if that was what he was picking he would say "Nope" and head back over to the treasure box. He finally settled on a pair of sticky hands! I told him that he couldn't have them in my car, but that I would get them to daddy who was doing pick up and daddy and him could play with them.

Then we were off to preschool. I have gotten smart (not sure why it has taken me this long) and I now make him a breakfast cup like we used to every morning on blood work mornings. So he has milk and cereal in the car. I am sure we will still get donuts every once in awhile, but it can be more of a treat and less of a "oh crap we aren't making breakfast at school and you have to eat" thing!

Lab results came in by the time I made it to Jay's work to drop off the sticky hands. Counts were at 168! So an increase of 16 since Monday! A great, albeit confusing, increase!!

Next Plans: Blood work again on Monday!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October 16 - Blood Work

October 16 - Blood Work

We had a busy weekend that was filled with lots of fun, but no naps! So when Levi didn't wake up early this morning I decided to enjoy the time and slept in myself. Jay left for work at 7:30, and Levi and I got out of bed at 7:45! It's been awhile since we have had a lazy morning and it was nice! Of course we were then crazy behind schedule. But oh well! Sometimes it's more important to stop and spend time together then it is to be on time!

We got to the lab and there was no line no waiting! So Levi went right in to pick out his band-aid.
 Then he headed over to the seat to open his band-aid! He wanted an all green day today! So yes he has on green pants, a green t-shirt, green hoodie, and green sneakers! And I promise I brushed his hair, but he wore his hood in the car and well, that's what it looked like after.
He was showing the pirate skeleton on the wall his band-aid! That's why he is turned around backwards today. 
 The draw went quick and easy as usual! He gave his last name and numbers again and then headed over to the treasure box where he picked out a green harmonica! (sticking with the green theme! haha) Levi asked for a donut, but I made a deal with him that instead of a donut he could play Toca Kitchen on my phone on the way to preschool. He thought that was a fair trade! Plus he had already eaten a whole bowl of lucky charms in the car since there is no way we were making it to school for breakfast.
We got to the car and Levi tried playing Toca Kitchen but my phone just wouldn't cooperate, so I owe him 15 minutes of phone/table time tonight! We got to preschool and dropped him off just in time for morning recess! He loved that!

I got to work and started the wait for results to come in. By 10:30 I was getting annoyed. By 11:30 I asked Jay to call the lab as it had been 3 hours, but he was busy at work and couldn't, so I e-mailed our patient advocate again. (I don't get any cell service at my new desk at work which makes it tough to make personal calls). Results came in at 11:55, three and a half hours post draw for a stat lab! Slowest stat labs ever!!

His counts came back at 152. A 19 point drop since Thursday. Not unexpected at all as Levi has a cold/runny nose that wont go away. I was actually shocked that counts weren't lower then they were. His white blood cell count has gone back down some! So thats a good sign that possibly he is on the back end of this cold and he will start feeling better soon and that his platelet count wont drop too much more!

Next Plan: Blood Work on Thursday!

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 12 - Blood Work

October 12 - Blood Work

Levi isn't feeling very well today. He has a head cold and didn't sleep great so when he asked to wear soft pants and bring turtle to blood work we agree!! When we got to the lab he was so excited to show Turtle the fountain. I had to remind him that turtle couldn't go swimming in it!! But overall it went well!
 We got into the lab and there was a wait so Levi set down. Him and turtle took selfies! Then they set and played Toca Kitchen together.
 It wasn't too long before it was time to head inside. Levi picked out his band-aid, spiderman! and climbed up into the chair.
 P and Levi had a whole talk about things in the chair today. He once again gave his last name and numbers, so I really am not needed for the process anymore! Then Levi launched into his speech about his likes and dislikes "I like the tighty-tight, coldy-cold, softy-soft, tubies, band-aid, and treasure box, but i DO NOT like the pokey thing!"P answered him with "I don't like to stick you with the pokey thing either! But if you didn't have to come here I never would have gotten to know you!" and she gave him a big hug. He looked right at her with the most honest expression and said "I would have just come and said hi!" It was super adorable!

Before long we were off to the treasure box. Levi picked out a smiley face figurine! It has hearts for eyes, and Levi thought it was adorable!!

Since we were running late it was a donut day! There was no line so Levi went right over to the donut lady and placed his order loud and clear as can be. Then we paid her and for the first time ever the donut lady gave him a big hug! He looked right at her and said "I love you Donut Lady!" It was so cute!! But possibly we get donuts a little too often if he loves the donut lady! HAHA.

Then we were off to the car to eat our donut and head to school!
I got to work and started the wait for results. They didn't come and didn't come and didn't come! I called the house several times to confirm that DHMC hadn't received them and called us with results but they hadn't either. Finally at 2:30 I e-mailed our patient advocate and explained how fed up I was and how they were slipping later and later. He dealt with the issue and we got results at 3:40, he responded to my e-mail after that saying we should have them by then and with a direct number to him and a direct number to the lab for future lack of results! I am so fed up with the lab not getting us results in a timely manner, when clearly they can as we sometimes get them within 30 minutes. So frustrating!

Anyways, his counts came back at 171! Much higher then I thought they would be with his cold. It's so hard to know what numbers are going to be!!

Next Plan: Blood work again on Monday to see what counts are!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 9 - Blood Work

October 9 - Blood Work

Happy Columbus Day!!! We spent part of the morning at home with our family who was down for the weekend. Levi had a great time getting to play with his cousins and I enjoyed talking to my sister and parents. They headed out around 10 and we headed down to the lab. Levi was very excited that his fountain was working!
We got over to the lab and there were several people ahead of us so we settled in to wait. Levi was being a goof ball with pictures before he settled in with some Toca Kitchen.

Once we got inside Levi picked his band-aid. He picked Blaze and was very excited about it. Then he climbed in the chair to wait. He "stole" a softy soft from the container and was having fun fluffing himself, me, and the wall!
The draw went well. Once the band-aid was on, P asked Levi what his last name was and he answered without a problem. Then she asked him what his birth date was and he said "I don't know". So I asked him what his numbers were and he very proudly said his whole birth date. Guess its time to explain to him that his numbers and his birth date are the same thing. He headed over to the treasure box to pick a toy. He wanted another mermaid in another color but there weren't any in the box so he settled on some funny glasses that he thought were hilarious.

Counts took forever to come in today. Over 3 hours from the time we left the lab until we had results! Not cool! However his counts were great at 188! A huge increase from Thursday! There is no rhyme to reason to his counts, it is just confusing to know what may or may not happen with his numbers and what they are going to be!

Next plan: Blood Work again on Thursday 10/12.

Monday, October 9, 2017

October 5 - Blood Work

October 5 - Blood Work

Lab work went fairly routine today. When we got there Barbara was just leaving and was very excited to see Levi and show him that she got a minion band-aid. He said hi, but was more excited to get to his fountain which was working then he was to stop and chat.

Once we got inside things went very quick and easy. He picked out his band-aid and was super excited to get Captain America.
The draw itself went great as usual! After the draw is over P usually looks at me and says "Ok, Mom, Name and birth date" because she has to confirm that the printed label is correct. When she did that today I said our last name and then looked at Levi and said "What are your numbers?" and he very proudly and very correctly said his month number, day number and year number! And then got this huge smile on his face. P looked at me, then looked at him, then looked at me. She was amazed!! She gave him a big hug and kiss on the top of his head and said "When? How Long? How?" she was amazed and in shock. I thought she was going to cry! She just stood there and watched him!

He knew she was proud and that made him smile but then he wanted to go and find his treasure box.
He picked a multi colored caterpillar and was super excited by it!
Then we rushed to school. I knew that we were cutting it close to the 8:25 official breakfast cut off (his breakfast can be until 9:30, but I try not to push it!). We got there at 8:30 and they were ahead of schedule and already getting ready for group. I apologized to his teachers but said that he did need to eat breakfast. They were very accommodating! And got him breakfast right away.

Counts took FOREVER to come in again today. Guess it's time to talk to the patient advocate again as this slide in receiving times just isn't ok! His counts were great today at 165, another increase!

Next Plan: Blood Work again on Monday! Have a great weekend everyone!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 2 - Blood Work

October 2 - Blood Work

Well fall has come! It was chilly this morning!! My car was covered in dew and you could see your breath (no frost yet, but it wont be long!). Levi pulled out his McQueen jacket and was super excited to wear it. Plus first day of pants to preschool.

We got to the lab and Levi's fountain was on. He was so excited. He ran over to it and waved to it. He kept saying "Hi Water" and "Hi Fountain". It was adorable.
We got over to the lab and there was a bit of wait, not too surprising for a Monday morning. Levi settled in to wait with a picture and some Toca Kitchen!
The blood work went great! He picked out his band-aid, set for the stick, and then went to the treasure box. He picked a pink mermaid to go with his green mermaid. He was very excited that she has a green fish as a friend, where the green mermaid has a purple fish as a friend! The things that make him excited.
We didn't get a donut from the donut lady today, but mommy surprised him with an apple cider donut in the car. I had bought extra at the farm on Sunday and he was pretty excited to eat it! So excited that the picture is blurry!
Counts did not come in quick at all today! It was almost noon before they came in! Not good. I don't like this later trend. Counts were 156. An increase from Thursday!! It is so hard to know what his numbers are going to be.

Next plans: Blood Work again on Thursday.

September 28 - Blood Work

September 28 - Blood Work

Good Morning!!! It's blood work day! Levi was in a super happy mood this morning and blood work went quick and easy!! He picked out his band-aid.
Set super still for his blood work!
Then headed to the treasure box to pick his prize. He picked a Green robot and was pretty happy about it. Then we headed out to see the fountain, which wasn't working. Definitely looks like they are doing some work too it as all the stones were pulled up. Levi was very sad that his fountain wasn't on, and kept looking up to see if the water would start coming down.
It was a donut day so we headed over to the donut lady to get his sprinkle donut! He ate the whole thing on the way to school!!
Counts came in fairly quickly! About 50 minutes after blood work. His count was 153, so a drop from Lebanon on Tuesday, but pretty much inline with blood work on Monday!

Next steps: Blood Work again on Monday.