Monday, February 29, 2016

February 26 - Infusion #5

February 26 - Infusion #5

The morning started out a little sleepy and a little early by Levi, but the day went quite well. It was the first time that we were putting the numbing cream on his port, so there was a little learning curve there on how much to use and how to get the plastic band aid sticky thing to work. But we got it. I definitely think we will put a little more on next time, but overall it worked fine.

We got over to the hospital and checked in. They got us right out back. And we settled into the jungle room again. They did height and weight again, today he was 30.5 pounds and 34.25 inches. The science of a growing and shrinking toddler! HEHE :) Then we went back to our room to access the port. That went pretty well today. Not as well as last time. More numbing cream will be good. And it didn't want to give blood very well. But we figured out the trick with him turning his head and laying down with his arm up. They said tricks like that are good to know as it all depends on how the line is sitting in the vein.
The nurse prepping everything. 

Levi chilling out
Once the port was accessed they sent blood down for another CBC and we waited for the plasma to come up from the blood bank. Levi played in the playroom and we tried to get him to run around as much as possible. But kids don't seem to understand that they wont be able to run around soon, so he wanted to sit and color and ride in the wagon. He did play and ride in the car, so at least he got out some energy.
Riding around the halls. 

Coloring with markers. :) 

"VROOM VROOM" Is what he was yelling down the hallway
His platelet count came back at 153 today so I am glad we stayed over and are running plasma today. If it dropped 27 points over night who knows what it would have been by Monday's blood draw. We met with Dr. V and discussed the future plan as well as today's plan.

Then it was time to start the infusion. Jay went down to the cafe to get breakfast and Levi and I headed to the jungle room. They did another vital check and all the paperwork and then hooked the plasma up to his line and he screamed!! They immediately stopped the plasma and we lifted his shirt. The little bugger had partially pulled his needle out. So it was out of the port, but not out of his skin. This sent the first few drops of plasma into his chest tissue. It wasn't enough to be dangerous, but I am sure it hurt a bunch. We got the needle back into the port and taped it up even better this time. We started the infusion again and all was good. We taped and safety pinned the line to his shirt like usual so if he pulls on it it should pull on his shirt long before it would pull on the port again.
Infusion Started.
Daddy came back with breakfast and we ate as a family before he headed back to David's House to check us out.
Breakfast while watching Curious George. 
Levi and I watched Curious George and Doc McStuffins and laid on his new nap mat.
Laying down.
Daddy came back and Levi was getting very restless so we decided that we would attempt a trip to the play room with his IV pole. We figured with two adults we should be able to handle it. We would have one adult with Levi and one adult on the pole. Levi did great getting down the hall way. He held onto the pole and pulled it behind him. Hmm... Maybe this will go better then we thought.
First trip out with the pole. 
The walk went great. And when we got to the playroom it went great for a few minutes. He played with the white board markers and colored, and then stood and played with bubbles (ie. ate them).
Yummy bubbles. 
But then he got bored of being in one place so he wanted to run run run. This caused some issues. Another little girl also came into the play room and that caused a few issues because Levi didn't understand where his line was versus where he was versus where the little girl was. But we made it!

Then we got Levi to settle down with a few books and Mommy and Daddy took turns reading. We even kept up with this weeks lesson/book/theme at daycare by reading "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" and "If you give a Cat a Cupcake".
Reading with Mommy. 
Reading with Daddy. 
The pump was telling us we only had a few minutes left so we got Levi to head back to the Jungle room and we put on Elmo. The walk back went well again. He held on to the pole and pulled it behind him.
Pulling his pole.
The pump went off and there was still a lot in the line. Levi gets 200mL and the bag said that it had 202mL in it so we figured they would switch over to saline to push the line clear. The nurse came in and shut everything off. We talked to her about this and learned that the amount on the bag is often very inaccurate. That the volume is computed based off of weight, and that the weight differs greatly from scale to scale at a donation center as well as a persons blood cells. And that they nurses have to fully rely on the pump at the IV to determine how much to give him. This was definitely news to us as we figured it would be a better science then that when filling the bags.

When it was done we removed the plasma and then flushed his port. They then need to get a blood return before they can put the heparin in to the port. His port did not want to give any blood. We tried laying down and sitting up, Finally it came. We put the heparin in, a tiny band aid on and we were out the door.

From door to door we were there for 5 hours. When we got in the car Levi asked for his apple. He took a few bites before falling asleep before we were more then 10 minutes away from the hospital.
Infusions are exhausting!
Future Plan: With 2 cycles under our belts now, Dr. V feels pretty confident that we are on a 3 week schedule. Going forward we will be scheduling infusions every 3 weeks on Tuesdays and we are dropping blood draws from twice per week to once per week for the first 2 weeks and then twice per week for the third week before an infusion. This time we are going to go 3.5 weeks to get us from a Friday to a Tuesday. And if we feel anything is off between then we can get the extra blood work if we want and can always call Dr. V with our concerns.

February 25-26 - David's House - Our First Stay

Our First Stay At David's House

We had been told about David's House sometime in the last month and had done a little research about it, so we thought we would check it out and see if they had a room for the night. If they didn't then we would go find a hotel room.

We got over there after a few minutes of getting a little turned around and went up to the door. It is literally spitting distance from the parking garage, but you have to take the right little cut off road to get there. We got buzzed in and talked to the manager. They did indeed have a room that we could stay in for the night. :) We filled out all the paper work and got a tour of the house. Then we settled down in the dinosaur room. After much stress we finally got Levi down for a nap. By the time we got to the room he was over exhausted and fighting the nap. Plus it was a different place and different bed. I settled down for a little rest myself and Jay took off to explore the house (he doesn't sit around well).
The dinosaur room. 
About 90 minutes later he told me there were freshly baked cookies in the kitchen, so I thought I would sneak out of the room and head down. But no such luck. As soon as I stood up Levi was wide awake too. So we headed downstairs for cookies. And then we headed down to play. The rest of the evening was filled with play time, house wandering, and meeting new friends.
Indoor slide
Ride on Airplane. 

At 6:00 dinner was ready. Tonight dinner was being prepared by the Aquinas house at Dartmouth College. The food was delicious and they made a ton of it!! Thank you!

The rest of the evening was spent wandering and playing. We did discover that the house has very few toddler books. Levi loves to read and be read to, but all of the books were really older then him. We would like to start a collection of Toddler books (board books with a story not necessarily the infant books with just a few words in them) to take up with us the next time that we go. So if you would like to donate a new toddler board book to the David's house please feel free to message us here, or drop it off at Michelle at work, Jay at work, or at our house. Thank you!

Not long before bed time the volunteer for the night let us into the quilt room and Levi got to pick a handmade quilt to bring home with him. The room was huge and they were stacked floor to ceiling. It took a few minutes but Levi settled on a quilt that was dinosaurs, M&M's, trains, frogs, and bright colors. It is beautiful!! The quilt was made by a member of the Ladies of the Lakes Quilters' Guild, Thank you for making something so beautiful for Levi.

Levi in our room. The folded quilt on the bed behind him is his to take with him.
Added Photo: Levi playing "Levi Burrito" with his quilt at home on 3/2. 
Levi had a quick bath to try to settle him down for the night and then we went downstairs for our last drink of the evening. The house insists that all food and drink be kept in the kitchen only. And then up for bed. Levi went down much easier for bed time then nap time. Jay and I headed back downstairs for a little adult time. We talked to some of the other parents staying at the house and just relaxed for a few minutes before bed.

In the morning we got up early to head back to the hospital. It was very nice to be able to get up at 6:45 for a 7:30 appointment. We headed out quietly so as not to wake any other families. Levi insisted that he lug Piglet and Monkey, they could not go in the diaper bag.
Half awake heading to the hospital.
We are very thankful for David's House. It made our night much nicer. Instead of staying in a hotel room with nothing to do, we had a huge playroom for Levi to play in. We got a nice dinner. And a much homier environment. It definitely helped to relax Levi. And from a financial stand point it was definitely much nicer too. So Thank you David's House!! I am sure we will be back over the coming years!!

February 25 - Blood Work & Surgery Follow Up

February 25 - Blood Work & Surgery Follow Up

Today we had a surgery follow up appointment in Lebanon, so we talked to Dr. V's office about moving Levi's bi-weekly blood work to Lebanon as well so we didn't have to drive to Dover and then Lebanon. They agreed. :) His surgery follow up was at 10 and we wanted to get his blood work done prior to that, so we loaded up the car and left the house at 7am. Early morning! And to make it worse, our plan was to get up and get ready and then scoop Levi out of bed at 7, in his PJ's and put him right in the car, but he decided he didn't like that plan. And woke himself up at 6:30. We kept him in his PJ's for the drive anyways.
Driving to Lebanon.
The drive was long but otherwise unexciting. Slightly more traffic then normal, I think we actually hit rush hour instead of being after it. Levi did pretty good.

We got to Lebanon and got Levi dressed in the car before heading in to the hospital. We had heard two different things about where to go for blood work so there was a little scheduling mix up there that took a few minutes. But we finally got over to the right lab. Levi was not in a waiting mood at the lab, and there was quite the line ahead of him, so we had a few temper tantrums and melt downs. Finally it was his turn. The actual lab draw went as easy as usual. :) He got a snoopy band-aid. Dr. V said to call him 45-60 minutes after the draw to find out the results as he was expecting a possible infusion need. So we were happy that the time was started.

At this point we were getting very close to his Surgery follow up time. So we rushed upstairs. Levi wanted to go play so I waited in line to check him in while Jay and Levi played. When I got up to the counter, they started to get me all checked in and then said, "Dr. C (the Surgeon) isn't exactly sure how this appointment got scheduled, he doesn't normally see Port patients for a follow up. He said you can see him if you want to, but its not necessary". Are you kidding me?!?! We drove all the way to Lebanon for an appointment that didn't even need to be scheduled?!?! I was about ready to flip the handle bars. Jay and I decided that since we were already there the surgeon could see us.

Playing while waiting for Dr. C
We only waited a few minutes and then they called us in to see Dr. C. They did height and weight. I don't remember the exact numbers but they were definitely different then Tuesday, I believe it was something like 31lbs and 34.75 inches. It is so not an exact science to take the height and weight of a toddler. Dr. C came in and talked to us for a minute. He looked at Levi's incision and said that it was healing exactly how he would want it to. He also said that what we thought was a minor infection a few weeks back probably wasn't, and was instead just the white blood cells doing what they needed to do to dissolve the stitches. Interesting. One of Levi's stitches didn't dissolve it came out through instead (something Dr. C had told us was a possibility) so his scar isn't going to be completely straight, but instead have a little wobble in it. The whole appointment took less then 10 minutes.

Now we had more time to kill before we could call Dr. V for results. So we headed down to Molly's place to play.
Levi is up in the loft. He was so proud of himself for climbing all the way up and down by himself.
After it had been an hour after the labs we called Dr. V's office. We got Receptionist S, oh boy! At first I thought she was going to pull her usual and not let us talk to Dr. V, but then we found out that he was actually out of the office until 12. Apparently he didn't realize we were going to be there so early for blood work when he told us to call him. Now we have more time to kill. We decided to head to the cafe for a snack for Levi. (When in doubt feed him, Levi will almost always eat. :) ) We let Levi pick what he wanted, so he ended up with a hot dog, fruit, tomatoes, and chocolate milk. Yummy!!
Snack Time
Snack time wasn't long enough to kill all the time we had. So we started wondering the halls of the hospital waiting.
Hand rails are cool!! 

Look at all the people down there! 
It was getting close to noon and I figured that we could be calling his office soon. We were walking around and suddenly we ran into Dr. V. Talk about being at the right place at the right time. We have no idea where his actual office is, so it was truly lucky. Levi's platelet count is 180. Time for an infusion. However the clinic is closed on Monday's and Thursday's as on those day's the Pedi Hematology/Oncology clinic becomes the Pedi urology clinic. So we were scheduled for an infusion at 11:00 on Friday. We talked to Dr. V about the fact that we were just going to stay over in Lebanon so could we get in any earlier. He got us a slot at 7:30. We also talked about the fact that some of the results have come back from Switzerland. It is confirmed that Levi has USS (this was confirmed almost 2 months ago, but Switzerland reconfirmed). It was also confirmed that neither Jay or I do. A normal ADAMTS13 count is anything over 50. One of us is 56 and the other is 76. Due to privacy the study only reports family as patient A and patient B, so we don't know who is who, though we have our guesses. We also found out that multiple genes can cause USS, so Jay and I do not have to have the same bad gene to cause Levi to have this, and in fact we more then likely do not have the same bad one. Interesting.

Well now to settle in for a night in Lebanon. Gotta go find a place to stay and get Levi down for nap.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 23 - Endocrinologist Appointment

February 23 - Endocrinologist Appointment

With everything going on with USS it is sometimes easy to forget that Levi has Congenital Hypothyroidism as well. His thyroid has been under control for quite a while so our routine is fairly set there. He takes his medication every morning and then eats 30 minutes later and life is good. We have not been seeing any issues from it lately. When he was younger we definitely had many times when we knew his thyroid was under or over active and we would need to get his meds adjusted. But lately everything has been pretty status quo. Today we head to our regular appointment with his Endocrinologist Dr. C. Thankfully this appointment is only in Manchester so its an hour drive each way instead of two hours.

All ready to head out.
Levi did great on the drive down, talking and playing, and only telling us that he was "STUCK!! stuck car seat" a dozen or so times. :) We got checked in and his height and weight done. According to them Levi has grown another 1/4 inch and is now 34 inches! And he was 30.5 pounds. We got settled in our room and waited for Dr. C.
Playing with Dr. C's chair while we wait for him

Tired of waiting. Time for a snack. 
The appointment went great. Dr. C said that Levi is looking really good and that the medication is doing what it needs to be doing. He thinks he is on an appropriate curve with his size as well as his development. So that was reassuring. Levi is due for labs, but we aren't going to stick him today just to do it. So we got a lab slip and will do the labs on Thursday when we do his next USS labs. Dr. C also thinks that Levi is doing well enough that we only need to be seen every 6 months!! WOO HOO!! :)

We got dressed and headed home! It's so nice to hear that something is going well. His thyroid was such a stress when he was first born and we were dealing with it with a tiny baby. Shoving meds down a tiny baby's throat every morning was not a fun experience or holding a screaming hungry baby that couldn't eat for an hour was so stressful. So it's such a reassurance as a parent to know that we did the right thing back then and it is helping him now. This is another thing that he will have for life, so we are never truly out of the war, but we seem to be winning the daily battle right now.
He's outta there! 

I got him to turn around and show off his stickers. He asked for Mickey, and the receptionist said that Pluto needed to go to, so he got two! Made his day. :) 

February 22 - Partner's in Health Intake

February 22 - Partner's in Health Intake

We had our Partner's in Health Intake today. Caitlin (our Family Support Coordinator) is AMAZING!! We had an amazing conversation with her and learned about a lot of the resources that are out there for us. We asked some questions that she didn't know the answer to but she will look into them for us.

One of the things I didn't know was that we can stay with Partner's in Health until Levi is 21! That will help us so much, to always have a resource that we can go to with questions and information. They will be able to go with us to school 504 meetings and advocate on Levi's behalf. They will let us know about all the things going on in our area that would be good for Levi and will grow with us and him as we travel through this journey. I am very excited to work with them.

We set up our goals for the year and what we were hoping to accomplish. It will definitely be a huge weight off of my shoulders when we accomplish some of them.

We also signed up for Parent to Parent which is a buddy program of sorts that will align us with other families in our area that are going through a similar situation (though not identical as there are no other USS patients in the area) and have a kid similar to Levi. We are looking forward to hopefully making some friends in the area.

I left this meeting feeling rejuvenated and hopeful that there are things and people out there that can help us!

A cute pic of Levi from the Children's Museum over the weekend. 

February 22 - Blood Draw

February 22 - Blood Draw

Today's blood draw went great as always!! Levi sure is getting the hang of everything. We have learned the word fountain, so now we go and look at the fountain every time and not the bath tub, though he does still say it is filling like the bath tub.

Being a goober and playing in the box. 
We got the call with results at 9:30am. Maybe they are starting to see our frustration with waiting so long! His numbers fell to 237. So not a drastic fall, but a fall non the less. Dr. V wants to hold off as much as possible on infusions, so we are in the wait and see game. We will test again on Thursday for a possible Friday infusion. We did get them to create a lab slip for Lebanon on Thursday as we have to be out there for a surgery follow up, and trying to get to Dover before heading to Lebanon just seemed crazy, so we wont get to see the nice nurse. :( Hope the lab tech in Lebanon is as good as Nice Nurse. :)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

So we are almost 6 weeks out from the start of our first hospital stay and the start of major changes in our lives. Most everyone in our lives knows about what is going on with Levi and we answer a lot of questions, some are easy to answer, some not so much. We don't mind answering questions and talking about Levi's condition to anyone who wants to know, but we thought we would compile a question and answer of some of the top questions we receive.

Q: What is Upshaw-Schulman Syndrome (USS)?
In short, USS is the genetic form of TTP. TTP is Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
In medical lingo: USS is the absence of the ADAMTS13 protease which results in abnormally large von Willebrand factors.
In laymans terms: The von Willebrand factor (VWF) is used in blood clotting. The ADAMTS13 is in charge of cleaving ie cutting up the VWF to send it throughout your body to where it is needed in small units which then degrade after use. The VWF adhears the platelets to wound sites. Without the ADAMTS13 the VWF does not get broken down to the smaller size. Therefore when activated it is activated at full concentration adhearing too many platelets to a wound or sickness causing the body to use up all of the platelets it has. Once your platelets are used it takes multiple days to regenerate on their own. In the mean time the lack of platelets can be very dangerous in the case of a sickness, fall, or cut. Also because the VWF is adhearing at such a large concentration the accumulated platelets can block the blood vessel causing blood clots.

Q: What causes USS?
USS is a genetic mutation. It is a recessive gene which means both Jay and I have a "bad" copy of the chromosome 9q34 which we passed to Levi.

Q: I have never heard of this, is it rare?
Yes USS is very rare. We have been given numbers as low as approximately 150 known cases in the world.

Q: So he got an infusion, is he all better/cured?
No, this is a genetic condition and is life long. The infusions help Levi stay healthy in short bouts but he will never be cured of USS. He will need an infusion approximately every 2-3 weeks for life.

Q: Is there a chance he will out grow this?
No. This is a genetic condition. He can not simply out grow his genes. His body has no way of suddenly producing ADAMTS13 and it never will.

Q: Is there anything I can do to help? 
At this time we are still trying to settle in as a family and figure out all the changes in our lives. So currently there in nothing we immediately need. However we encourage all able people to donate blood or plasma. Levi will forever be pulling from blood banks, and we would love for the supply to always be there for not only him, but all patients who need it. We are currently donating when possible as well.

Q: So what is his day to day life like?
We try to keep Levi's day to day life as similar to prior to December 31, 2015 as possible. We do twice weekly blood work and have extra doctors appointments as well as infusions every 3 weeks approximately. Outside of those things we try to act as normal as possible. As easy as it would be to slip into "you can have anything you want" and spoil him we really try hard not to. He still has to drink his white milk and eat his vegetables. :) We as parents are more cautious and aware of everything going on. We check him regularly for bruising, are more aware of his attitude/any slight changes, track his platelet numbers, his sleep patterns, and are attempting to not miss anything. We try to keep Levi healthy, as sickness such as a common cold or stomach virus, can make an acute episode come on very quickly, but we don't live in a bubble. We play outside, we go to the park and children's places (museum, chuck e cheese, etc), he still goes to daycare. We do carry hand sanitizer with us and use it more frequently then we used to. And we do communicate with family members if someone comes down with anything and they were around Levi recently, which allows us to just be even more on top of watching him. At this point he can't tell us when he isn't feeling well or has a headache so we try to play off of all of his cues.

Q: So what is the prognosis?
Well, that's hard to say. The infusions keep Levi as safe and healthy as possible. The biggest risks come from if his platelets drop too quickly without us realizing, and he has a blood clot. If the blood clot occurs in the wrong place there could be serious complications. The two largest we have been told about are the brain, which could lead to a stroke, and the kidneys, which could lead to complete renal failure. We are staying on top of things as much as we can. The twice weekly blood work allows us to have a good idea of what is going on at all times. If the numbers are dropping we are more aware of it. If Levi gets sick, we would up the frequency of blood work to more closely monitor or he would be admitted to the CHaD for very close monitoring.

Q: Is Levi Ok?
For the most part, yup Levi is ok. He is a happy and bubbly toddler who runs around our house like there isn't a care in the world. He doesn't understand what he is going through yet, he doesn't understand the big picture. I expect there will be times later in life when he gets angry about this, when he says it isn't fair, when he wants to punch something because of what he has to go thru and his friends don't, and when that comes we will be ready to handle it. Right now as long as I have episodes of Paw Patrol and Curious George and maybe a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, we make it through. We make things a game right now and talk about the fun things and he is happy with it. He gets fruit loops or lucky charms for breakfast twice a week and gets to pick from the treasure box, so to him that makes those mornings great. In the hospital he gets all the apple juice and chocolate milk he wants and that makes it cool to, oh yea, and they have this super awesome play room which also has two cars and a wagon, so for a 20 month old, that makes everything ok.

Q: He got a port? What is that? Does it stick off him? Can he still do everything? What is the point of it? Will he have it forever? Does it bother him? Does it bother other children?
Yes, Levi had surgery in January to have a implantable venous access device aka port inserted in his chest. It is on the left side of his chest below his collar bone completely below the skin. There is a slight bump so that the doctors and nurses can find the port when they need to access it. When the port is not being accessed there is nothing to see on the  outside besides the small scar about an inch in length from the incision. It hasn't completely healed yet, but that is understandable with his condition. He can still do everything that any other child can do, he can swim and bathe normally. He can even play tackle football when he gets older if he wants too, they will just ask that he wears a full chest protector at all times (practices and games), but otherwise all sports are fine. The port allows very easy access to a major vein, this allows for blood out and infusions in. Levi had a very hard time getting an IV in during his hospital stay, but the port is simple and quick. The area is numbed before the port is accessed and a quick needle in and we are done, he doesn't feel a thing. The port does not bother him on a day to day basis. When it was healing from surgery it itched a little which bugged him, but otherwise he doesn't even notice it is there most of the time. He does call it his button (like talking stuffed animals have a button in them you push to make them talk) and when he "presses" it it goes "tweet tweet". It doesn't bother other children at all. It really isn't there at all for them to notice. As far as having it forever, yes and no. He will probably have a port forever as he will always need easy access, however the current port will probably only last a few years before the line into his vein gets too short as he is growing so rapidly. It will be a quicker and easier surgery just go in and replace the line in the future though.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 18 - Blood Draw

February 18 - Blood Draw

Today's blood draw was about as routine as possible. He held his little arm out and the blood came out. Pretty easy. He has gotten so good at doing it! It make me so proud as a Mom that he is stepping up and doing what he has to do and being such a big boy about it, but also so sad as a Mom to see that he is handling all this without crying. What 20 month old doesn't cry when they get poked, I mean many adults can't even really stand needles and my toddler son does it without a peep. It's one of those bitter sweet things about being a parent.

Numbers didn't come back until almost 3:00 today. That'll stress a person right out. In the end we ended up calling them again, and then them calling us. I know they are getting frustrated by this, but I need to know that number. It is part of being his parent, we need to keep track of what is going on.

Number today = 252. No increase, but no real drop either. Tuesday will be 3 weeks since his last infusion. Dr. V is expecting that we will see a drop next week and will be in Lebanon for an infusion one of the days probably early in the week.

Next week is going to be a very very long and busy week. Partners in Health intake, Endocrinology appointment (remember that with everything USS related going on, Levi still has congenital Hypothyroidism that we have to take care of as well), Surgery follow up in Lebanon, hair cut, and a play date/birthday party. And somewhere in there Jay and I still have to work. Sure lets pile on another trip to Lebanon for an infusion, sounds like a great week. :)

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15 - Blood Draw

February 15 - Blood Draw

Today's blood draw went fabulous!! "Nice Nurse" was back and unlike most Monday's there was no line no waiting. So we were in and out in under 10 minutes. We stopped to look at the "bath tub" for quite awhile this morning. He said it was "filling". He knows not to get in until it's done. Blood draw was quick and easy and he was off and running to the treasure box before I could give his birth date. No picture this morning since everything was so quick. But it was Red or Pink day at daycare today so here is a picture of Levi before we left all ready for daycare.
Red or Pink Day. Even Jerry got to go as he is all dressed in Red. 
Dropped Levi off at daycare and he ran right over to get into the middle of things. They were in the middle of circle time when we got there and he DID NOT want to miss the story. I barely got a sideways wave good bye.

Around 1:00 when I still hadn't heard the results I was starting to get a little frustrated. Then I got concerned. I didn't know if possibly they weren't there today because of the holiday. I called them knowing fare well that I was probably in for a chewing out by Receptionist S. But thankfully, it was a different receptionist today. Receptionist J is very very nice. She was polite and put me on hold while she talked to K. She told me that K would be calling me soon and that they were still processing the results.

Around 1:20 K called with the results. 257! I'll take it. Still going up! Although the rate of increase has decreased, it is still increasing, so for now we are good. K seemed slightly frustrated with me when I asked a few questions. But I gotta do what I gotta do as a parent. I have to be his main advocate, so sorry not sorry if I frustrate you. :)

Friday, February 12, 2016

February 11 - Blood Draw

February 11 - Blood Draw

Got to the lab a little later then normal today, as I just couldn't seem to get myself out of bed and Levi was happily still sleeping, and they always say, don't wake a sleeping toddler, right?! By later I mean we got there at 8am instead of 7:45. We walked in to the waiting room, no line, no waiting, AWESOME. Went to sign in, uh oh.... Nice nurse isn't there. ok.. Deep Breath... Hopefully this will still go well. We waiting in the waiting room for much longer then I expected. Levi was a little crazy man, and didn't want to settle. Too much sleep maybe??!?! HAHA.
Wouldn't sit in his chair, but at least he was in it. Small victories?!
We finally got called into the lab and two nurses were ready to help. One we have seen before (the second nurse that used to help nice nurse) and another one we have never met. Levi set right down and put his little arm out like a good boy. They put the tourniquet on and started feeling around. They both poked his arm and neither could find the vein. Ok, trying to stay calm. Trying to keep Levi occupied and good. At this point we would normally be done, so he is reaching for the minion bandaid, saying "minion minion". I tell him they haven't poked you yet, relax. They ask to look at his left arm, I reluctantly let them see it, very few nurses have ever successfully gotten blood out of his left arm, I would say the number is less then 3. They find a vein that they like and act like they are going to start the draw, when the second nurse goes, "wait, what tube are you putting this into?" The other nurse says "The purple one" they both look at me and I say, "yup always the purple one", they then ask "dark or light purple" I look at them and go "that one right there, it always looks like that". The first nurse, says "nope, I wont draw until we get a pedi purple" UGH. So they take the tourniquet off his arm, take there gloves off, and call down to the main lab to get some pedi purple tubes up. They come up pretty quickly, but at this point Levi is starting to lose it from having to sit, and wants to go get his fish and leave. I am assuming that a pedi purple will come up and be the smaller tubes that we used to use. Nope, from the naked eye the tubes look identical except one has a dark purple cover, and the other has a lavender color. Are you freakin kidding me? We waited for a light purple cover?!?! They start the whole process over. She sticks him and misses the vein! UGH. But it was only one little tweak and she got it in and the blood came. Levi never made a peep at them. When she pulled the needle out, he wanted nothing to do with his minion, but did allow me to put it on. Then he was off to the treasure box. He did give high fives to the nurses, but wasn't waiting around any longer, I had to ask them a scheduling question, and he walked himself out to the waiting room without me. :)

I am so glad that we have a good little boy when it comes to blood draws. This twice weekly process could be much more stressful otherwise. :) I let him spend a few extra minutes looking at the "bath tub" aka fountain this morning before we left.

I did my customary start calling the home answering machine around 10:30. Nothing. Levi hadn't been feeling great the night before, and around 11:15 daycare messaged that he still wasn't acting like himself. They had gone outside to play and all Levi would do is sit in the snow bank. Jay and I talked and decided that we should call them to get numbers instead of waiting for them to call us as we weren't sure what was causing him to not feel well. (Plus due to family commitments, if we needed to do plasma we were really hoping to do it that afternoon and not Friday). Jay called Dr. V's office. And got waylaid by Receptionist S. With her normal snooty voice she said, "a nurse will call you" and when he asked when we were told "when they can". Ugh, it is very frustrating to have a receptionist determine if we can talk to the doctor or not. I love Dr. V and his office staff (nurses, residents, etc) but I could really use to have a different receptionist.

We finally got his numbers and they were 234. So they have gone up since Monday. We were very happy to hear that. :) Now to have a great weekend and celebrate Grammie and Grampa's 40th Wedding Anniversary!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 8 - Blood draw

February 8 - Blood Draw

Levi slept in a little today, so that made the morning a little less hectic. The blood draw went awesome! He is doing so well with them. He was sooo excited to get his minion (band-aid) today. He high fived the nice nurse, and ran to the treasure box. The whole drive to the lab he had been talking about a blue fish, but he ended up picking a pink fish. He was pretty happy with it. He walked out of the lab with his head held high. There was a bit of a wait for the lab. I have determined that Monday's are definitely much busier then Thursday's. Levi didn't have a ton of patience today. We are working on sitting in your chair like a big boy, which he did, but he was pretty squirmy, So today's pic is a little blurry.

Squirmy today!
We all were holding our breath for the results after last times. I started calling the home answering machine around 10:30. Headed home to work from home for the afternoon once the snow started at 12:15, and by the time I got home the call had come in. His number was 202! Not great, but a definite improvement. I'll take it!!

Now we are waiting until Thursday to see what the number comes back us. Hopefully it'll continue to go up!!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 4 - Blood Draw

February 4 - Blood Draw

Today we are back at the lab for blood work. After how well he did on Tuesday the nice nurse and I decided that we would try to do blood work without a second nurse. That was a great call. Levi did amazing. No problems at all. He set right in the chair, put his little arm out, and didn't make a peep at all. The nice nurse got him on the first poke as always. I really think we should change her name from nice nurse to amazing awesome nurse. Levi was excited to jump down after he got his minion band aid. He walked right over to the treasure box and pulled it out, once he got the cover off he started digging around. The whole drive to the lab Levi had talked about getting a new fishy. But there was no fishy in the box. He was a little disappointed for a minute until he saw that there was a multi colored koosh ball, and then the world was good. We walked out of the lab as proud and as happy as he could be, showing the "bath tub" aka fountain our ball.

Levi was up this morning at 5:50 so we were at the lab very early. There was no line no waiting. So I don't have a waiting in the waiting room pic today.

Eating breakfast in the car after the blood draw.
Drop off at daycare went great. And I headed to work. I wasn't concerned about today's blood draw as we had just done plasma on Tuesday. But as the hours ticked by and I hadn't heard the numbers I was getting more and more nervous. Around 2pm I finally got freaked out enough and had Jay call them. We heard from Dr. V's resident. Levi's numbers are at 166. Umm.. What?!?! We just did plasma, how in the world did his numbers go down.

Around 3:30 we heard from Dr. V that he wasn't overly concerned about the numbers. It is possible that his body was just still on a downward trend and even with the plasma infusion it hadn't picked back up yet. He wanted to do the wait and see method and do blood work again on Monday. But if we noticed any bruising over the weekend then we needed to call the on call provider.

A little over whelming to deal with as it wasn't what we expected. Attempting to not freak out and hope that we don't notice anything over the weekend and that on Monday his numbers will be back up.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 2 - Appointment & Infusion

I am just gonna start this post by saying, Ports are amazing!!! Check out this happy and smiley guy while he gets his blood drawn!
All smiles while the nurse draws his blood.
The morning started with the normal rushing around of appointment days, I swear little Levi's brain knows the days I need him up early and the day's I really wish he would sleep in, and he does the exact opposite. So he was up early! We got dressed and then let him play before heading out for the long drive around 8:15. Our drive was pretty routine, stop for breakfast at McDonald's, stop for a potty break/clean Diaper, and then all the way out to Lebanon.

We got to the CHaD and Levi got checked in. They put cream on his port so that it would go numb and we were off to playing!
Playing doctor at the doctors. Seems fitting.
Levi seemed a little cautious and nervous. He wouldn't settle on any one toy and was very very quiet. We met with Dr. V who talked about how things have been going and then it was time to do the port access. We were all a little nervous as this was the first port access, we all needed this first one to go well. And boy did it go well! Even the nurses said it went amazing. Levi set in my lap and never made a peep. I barely had to hold him at all, and the only struggle he gave me was when I had to turn his head away for the needle poke. He is too young to wear a mask (he will rip them off) and they really don't want them breathing in the port while it's being accessed until it's covered. Trying to keep as many germs away as possible. Here are a few pictures of the port access:
Getting the port area all cleaned
Needle is in. Just like Mommy he wants to watch what they are doing. Can't let his head go yet as it's not covered. The nurse if flushing it. 
Laying down to get the blood to flow into the port cavity without problems. Look at that little grin. It's all covered now, and you can see he is picking at the tape a little bit.  
Then they drew blood from the port and sent it to the lab for numbers. We leave the access in the port in case he needs plasma.
Drawing blood.
At this point we are just waiting, so Levi is back to playing. He seems MUCH happier and more himself. I think he has realized there isn't going to be anything as painful this time as last time. Driving around and running into things, just like his normal self.
While we are waiting for numbers we work on the paperwork for the USS registry. Jay and I both have blood drawn to be sent to Switzerland with Levi's blood for genetic testing. Interesting to know a part of you is going to a country you have never been too. Dr. V also fills out the FMLA paperwork for us, as we are going to be missing a lot of work, and can't afford to lose our jobs.

Counts are back. Levi's platelet count is 184. Technically normal still. The general plan is to do plasma at 150. We talk to Dr. V who feels that his platelets would be at 150 by Thursday Mornings blood draw, so it makes sense to just do plasma while we are already there and his port is already accessed, vs. driving home and then pretty much knowing we will be back on Thursday. Waiting again while the blood bank gathers plasma for him and sends it up.

The plasma comes and we get it started. Plasma infusions take approximately 3 to 3.5 hours. Levi eats lunch and starts watching Sulley (aka Monsters Inc.) at the 15 minute check his blood pressure and temperature are remaining the same as before the infusion started. YAY!! At that point we decide it's time for nap. Levi wasn't overly excited about that plan, but did finally fall asleep.
Sound asleep in the recliner. He's always been a belly sleeper, even with his port! 
45 minutes later Levi is up. UGH. This could be a LONG day. Levi doesn't understand cords and IV poles yet so we can't really go to the play room. But, they have a Curious George movie, so we settle down to watch. Jay has gone down to the lab to donate blood (feeling like he wanted to contribute) so it's just Levi and I.
All cuddled up watching Monkey George.
Finally the infusion is done. The last 20 minutes or so were rough. Levi was very very done sitting and watching TV, was well over tired, and wanted to run around. We bounced between chairs, mommy's arms, daddy's arms. But we made it.
Piglet and Monkey cuddles at the end of the infusion
They removed the access into his port. A super quick and easy process. The only thing Levi doesn't like is when they pull the tape off. They push saline through the line and a small amount of heparin into the port cavity so that the port doesn't clot. A tiny little circle band-aid is all that is needed, and we will take that off this evening. We said good bye to Dr. V, the jungle room, the play room, the car, the nurses, and then finally headed home. We hoped that Levi would sleep on the drive home, but that was not to be the case. It was a LONG drive home. We stopped to get gas, and even piglet and monkey didn't want to be in the car anymore. They decided to try to get the car moving while daddy was pumping gas. Thankfully there little legs are too short. But they did make Levi giggle!

Plan: We are back to blood draws every three days (Monday's and Thursday's) and see what this infusion does. It was 2.5-3 weeks between the last infusions and this one. So we shall see if that is going to be his norm, or if we are looking at more or less frequent then that. After the next infusion and his port is accessed again, as long as it goes as well, then we will start the process of getting a home nurse. We have the numbing cream for his port now, so can stop and do that on the drive, so that we can do the port access as soon as we get to the CHaD from now on.