Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 27-28 - David's House

March 27-28 - David's House

The trip to David's House started out a little stressful. I got stuck at work about 45 minutes longer then I had hoped. Then I got stuck behind the train in Dover for over 5 minutes.
 Then I arrived at Nursery School only to find out that Levi had just had an accident and they were just starting the process of getting him changed. Luckily he hadn't taken his pull up off after nap so it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but I still awkwardly stood in the entry way to the school for 5+ minutes while someone else cleaned and changed my kid.

Levi and I got home and I went right upstairs to pack while Jay helped him get ready for the long car ride. And about 15 minutes later we were on the road. Only about 30 minutes behind my goal leave time!

We decided to stop for dinner on the way because we were running so far behind and I wanted Levi to be able to play once we got to David's House and not have to eat, and I really didn't want to have to deal with there being no dinner, so we drove through Burger King. Levi was excited.

About 20 minutes from David's House I had had enough of listening to Paw Patrol on repeat and clearly so had Levi since he wasn't paying it any attention any more and was instead singing and screaming so I asked him if he wanted a different movie. He said yes, so I asked Jay to change it. Somehow between pushing stop, removing one DVD, putting in a new DVD, and pushing play the DVD player broke! No matter what we did it wouldn't start playing again, wouldn't even spin up the DVD. UGH!! Thankfully we were almost there!!

We got to David's House and checked in. We were in the pig room this week! Levi was excited. We headed upstairs and he went right in to the bathroom like he is supposed to. I went into our room to look at the new newsletter (some of you will be receiving it in the mail shortly! Keep an eye out for it!!!) A few minutes later Levi comes running in and says "Mommy Come Here Mommy Come Look. There's NO sink!!! Mommy No Sink!!" I thought he was crazy and just didn't want to get in trouble for not washing his hands, but I got up and went and looked and sure enough David's House is doing some remodeling and there is no sink! Levi thought it was the most hilarious thing ever.
The boys headed downstairs while I took my 5 minutes to unwind from the two hour drive and finished reading the Spring Newsletter! Then I checked the time and realized that sadly it was about time for Levi's little purple magic pill so I headed downstairs with it. I found the boys reading!

 Once Levi saw me he was done reading and we were off to the races! Levi was the recycling truck (as usual! Rocky, his favorite puppy, drives a recycling truck and he wants to be just like him!), I was the dump truck, and Jay was the fire truck! We were zooming all over the place!!

 Then Levi played with the doll house! He kept putting the mommy doll in the closet and giggling and telling me "shes in the closet mommy!" it was super cute! (And very innocent! He has no clue the slang meaning of "in the closet" and we plan to keep it that way!)

 Then we went grocery shopping. He brought me back "dinner": pink ice cream, meatballs, no spaghetti, corn, no carrots, and ketchup. It was an interesting meal!

 But wait, can't finish our shopping without a baby! Now that we have one of those we have to slow down our running some. Don't want the baby to fall out!
 He took the key from the table and spent a good 5 minutes sitting on the floor unbuttoning it, taking the key off, putting it back on, and re buttoning it. Was great to see his little mind working at all of those tasks.
 He was getting sleepy so we headed upstairs for snack before bed. He picked an apple! And we set in the "ice cream room but now is chickens, I don't like the chickens, I like the ice cream" room! He ate almost that entire apple and then we headed upstairs.

 On the way upstairs I noticed that Jaye had hung up the picture we made as a family and given to her the last time we were here. Levi was happy to see it. Jay had forgotten all about it. Jay colored the cloud, Levi did the green grass, and I did the rest of it with some color help from Levi!

 It didn't take long for Levi to fall asleep! Jay went to bed at the same time that Levi did since he wasn't feeling well.
I headed downstairs for a little relaxing and then headed upstairs around 10:00. Levi had a very rough night of sleep. His cough was nasty, he couldn't settle, he was very wiggily. It was just bad all around.

5:30 am came way too soon!! But that is the time that Levi decided it was time to wake up. I tried to get him to settle back down in my bed and his bed, but that was pointless so at 6:00 I gave up and gave him my iPad with Paw Patrol on it. At 6:30 Levi and I headed downstairs to play. We slid, we ran, we laughed, and we played with magnet blocks. It was a fun mommy Levi morning, even if it was very early!

At 7:20 we headed up for breakfast. Jay came down around 7:50 and I went up to get dressed. It wasn't long before we were checking out, saying our good byes, and heading to the hospital for the day!

Thanks as always David's House. See you again in 2.5 weeks!!

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