Monday, October 3, 2016

September 22 - Blood Work

September 22 - Blood Work

We always do blood work 2 days post infusion just as a precautionary measure to make sure that everything is still good and nothing is going on. We have talked before on if it's really necessary or not, and always determined that it is better to be safe then sorry. Well! As you will read in the next few posts, I will never ever question doing blood work 2 days post infusion again! And it is absolutely necessary!!

Today started out like any other day. Levi excited to see P before going to Nursery School. We got dressed and headed down to the lab. We got to the lab and there was a lady already in with P. So we had to sit and wait. Levi was being a little goofball. He wanted to "Drive" the buttons and was all giggles.

Then we worked on emotions some. I think we caught some cute ones on film. He really likes to take selfies, because he can see himself in my phone.

Finally it was our turn to head in. Levi went running right in and grabbed the last candy band-aid. (if anyone even sees more Candy Crush band-aids feel free to pick them up and I will buy them off of you!) P worked her magic and got Levi's blood work on the first try without him moving or me hardly even holding him. She just has a way of knowing where that vein is and she hits it. :) Blood came no problem. And Levi was off to the treasure box. He picked out a skateboard and a green fish to ride the skateboard and we were out the door. He ran to the fountain and decided that his skateboarding fish needed to be a swimming fish. We had a talk about that not being ok.
Levi asked for a donut and I said no and we started to head for the door. We got almost to the door when Levi declared he had to go potty. Uh-oh. Levi is doing really well, but once he says he has to go you sometimes only have seconds to get him there, and he was only wearing undies today. So I scooped him up and practically ran to the potty. We made it in time!! :) We headed out of the hospital and were on our way to Nursery School.

On Friday, we had gotten the final crossed t's and dotted i's to get the results faxed to us! YAY! So I was expecting results shortly. When they didn't come in, I was frustrated but not overly upset as we were just 2 days off of an infusion that had been done at a high number. At lunch time when we didn't have results I called the house. The machine said "You have 18 new messages" umm.. what?!?! I listened to message number 1 "beep... beep.... beep", then message number 2 "beep...beep....beep", ok I am done listening I know whats happened. I called Jay and said "um.. the hospital is trying to fax our house". He gave them a call and they got the phone number straightened out and faxed the results to us.

A few minutes later Jay skypes me, "umm... we have a problem" I was thinking the fax had come in wrong or something. Nope, fax came in fine. Count was 85! That's right 85! We haven't seen numbers like that since January!

Jay gave Dr. V a call to discuss our options and what we wanted to do. He was as confused as we were, and figured it must be a lab error. The platelets can clump together in the tube if the blood isn't run as quick as it needs to be, or its taken wrong. I really didn't think that was the case as it was our best lab draw in weeks. Dr. V recommended redoing blood work in the morning and then we would make a plan. Or we could re-do it that afternoon if we wanted too.

Jay and I discussed the options and both determined that we didn't think it was a blood work error, and that we wouldn't have a good night without knowing what was going on. We called the lab to see how late they were open (and we could get a stat test done). I talked to my boss and said that I would need to leave at 2, to get Levi from Nursery School and take him over. I also called my mom to put her on alert that I may be needing her help. If this number is indeed as low as it seems then we would be heading to Lebanon. Jay has a procedure on the 23rd that he can't miss and I really can't take Levi to an infusion by myself, so I would be needing help to be with me for an emergency infusion and with Jay as he can't drive.

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