Saturday, October 27, 2018

September 10 - Blood Work

September 10 - Blood Work

NOTE: I know that I am really late on making these posts, but the next few that will come after this blood work post have been difficult to write and I have put them off. The events that happened made me really mad and I had a hard time putting it into words, so I just didn't. I am now getting everything caught up and filling everyone in on the events of the last month. I hope you can all understand my lateness and enjoy reading about the last month and a half of Levi's adventures.

Well today is the day!!! Today we close on our house. Levi is super stoked! His counts were at 190 on Thursday so we aren't at all worried about any problems. He has picked up some sort of a little bug, but hopefully he won't be too affected by it. He had a headache on Saturday after we got home from Story Land and then was pretty cuddly on Sunday and voluntarily took a nap, but he also had moments of being a crazy man so I wasn't too concerned.

We got to the lab and all was good. He went running in and picked out his band-aid and climbed up to play on the tablet. He looked a little pale in the bright lights of the lab, but he told me he felt fine and was excited to go to school.
 The draw went good as always. His arm didn't want to stop bleeding which is usually not a good sign, but I kinda shook it off. Levi headed to the treasure box and suddenly got very gray colored. I was actually a little concerned that he might puke in the treasure box and had him turn away for a minute, but than he spiked back up and I thought all was good. He picked out a truck from the treasure box and got a sticker. Then he gave hugs to P and we were off to the car.
I was a little concerned about him at that point and told him that he should stay home with Mommy instead of going to school. He insisted that he was fine and that he was going to go to school. Against my better thought I drove that way assuming that either he would change his mind or we could talk it out. We got to school (a 15 minute drive from the hospital) and I parked. I looked back and he looked very very gray but was still insisting that he could go to school. It was seconds after he insisted, that he puked everywhere. At that point I got on the phone to Jay to discuss our options. I had a doctors appointment that I had to be at and we had closing at 1:00. I was on the phone when Levi got very insistent that he had to go potty. I rushed off to McDonald's the closest place with a public bathroom. We got inside and Levi was using the potty when my phone rang. At this point we couldn't have been away from the hospital for more then 25 minutes and it was DHMC. That is not a good sign! I picked up the phone and with barely a hello Dr. K says, "Levi's count is at 3. I have no idea what happened but you need to get here now. Plan on staying a few days and we will figure out what to do over night after you are here." Once she paused I explained about our closing and asked if there was anything we could do to push off this by 5 hours. That I would rush up as soon as I had signed on the papers. She wasn't overly excited but agreed that as long as we took him home away from all people and kept him very calm that we could get admitted tonight and go from there.

At this point I was in shock. Levi had been at 190 and dropped to 3! 3!! We have never ever had a number that low. The lowest previously was 6! I called my parents to ask for their help and they came rushing down to watch him while I went to closing and then to go to DHMC with me. It was an absolutely crazy morning. Not at all what I was expecting.

The most heart breaking part of the day was that when Jay picked up Levi at McDonalds so that I could rush to my doctors appointment and Levi could get home to only our germs and family we had to tell him that Mommy and Daddy would buy our new house today but that he wouldn't get to go see it because we had to go to the hospital. He looked up at me with the saddest eyes and said "I know. It's my fault!" as much as to blame himself for being sick and understanding that in his life there are no guarantees. There is no getting excited about things because everything can get pulled out from underneath him. Just because he has a great number doesn't mean that he will the next time. He just had this look of sadness and dejection on his face. It was so heartbreaking. I wanted to scoop him up in a giant hug and make all his troubles go away!

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