Thursday, June 2, 2016

May 19 - Blood Work and Falling Down

May 19 - Blood Work and Falling Down

This morning was quite the morning. The morning started with Levi falling down on the one stair between our living room and kitchen. Not an uncommon thing, but what was uncommon was that he didn't get back up and he asked for a boo-boo bear, and actually put it on his leg. A few minutes later he got up but was walking a little funny on his leg. But after a minute or two he seemed fine and was running around again. So Levi and I finished getting ready and headed to blood work. We got there and there was a line ahead of us, so for the first time in a long time we had to sit and wait.
A little frustrated that it was "Other People's Turns" He has kinda come to feeling like he owns the place! 
A selfie will always put a smile on his face though!
Checking out a magazine. 
When it was finally his turn, he went running into the lab for his band-aid like normal and flat out fell again, a complete wipe out over air. He immediately started screaming. I grabbed him and asked if he was ok, he said "yea" so I tried to set him down so he could walk in to get his band-aid and he just screamed again. So I carried him into the band-aid cupboard and again tried to set him down and he screamed. So we picked out a band-aid (a nice bright orange one) and got in the chair.

The blood draw went ok. Part of the way through the purple tube the blood just stopped coming, but with a little needle tweak it started again! When the draw was over he didn't move. I helped him get off my lap, and he crumpled to the ground and cried. I told him to go pick out his prize from the treasure box and he just said "no treasure, i don't want treasure". At this point I was starting to get nervous that he had actually hurt something. I carried him over to the treasure box and he happily picked out a prize. He picked a bottle of bubbles; a choice he has wanted to make for several months now and I've told him that he has to wait until its nice enough outside to use them. I carried him out of the lap and he wanted to see his fountain, but he wouldn't stand at it. Notice in the below pictures that he is on his knees with his bubbles.

Fountain on his knees.
I picked him back up and headed to the car. I took his shoe off and tried to look at everything. Nothing looked funny. He would let me move his ankle and knee without saying anything. We got to the car and I tried to stand him up in the car and he just crumpled onto the seat. :( I asked him what was wrong, and he said "my knee hurts". I called Jay for parenting reinforcement on what to do and we both agreed that he should probably be seen. So I called Dr. S's office and they had an opening at 10:30 so I took it.

Levi and I ran over to my office for a few minutes to fill my boss in on what was going on. Then we had a little over an hour to kill so we went and got breakfast at Friendly's. Levi was very good and ate lots.
Being Silly.
We got over to Dr. S's office and filled the nurse in on what was going on. Dr. S came in and took his shoes off and immediately said "oh yea, that's swollen", I looked down and sure enough it was. I should have taken both of his shoes off and compared them. Parenting fail number who knows, I lost track a long time ago. He wanted to get down at this point from my lap, so we let him get down. He hobbled for a second and then crawled around on the floor. She wanted to see if he would try to run on it if we let him, so out into the hall we went and got him excited to see if he would run, and sure enough he sorta would. He was definitely limping but would sorta run on it. She got him to show her where it hurt (little bugger wouldn't do that for me) and he pointed to a spot on his foot. When she tried to push on it there, he cried. She asked him multiple times at different points where it hurt and he would always point to the same place. So she was a little nervous that possibly he had fractured it. She was feeling positive about the fact that he would put weight on it some, but was still nervous due to the swelling and localized pain. So we got a lab slip and over to the hospital we went. Dr S gave Levi a Pooh book!! That made him excited. And he got to pick from the treasure chest and picked a yellow bendy guy.

We loaded back into the car and headed over to the satellite hospital office (there facility is generally faster). Levi was very very done at this point. He wanted nothing to do with doctors anymore. We got registered and settled down to wait our turn, there was just the person in getting x-rays done ahead of us.
Being a goof ball while waiting.
The x-rays went HORRIBLE!! The tech did not know how to deal with kids at all! I finally got the pictures taken by basically strong holding Levi down and letting him cry. I was holding him so much there is actually my hand in one of the pictures. Levi and I got to go see the pictures, and there were no obvious breaks, but they had to be read by a specialist to make sure that there wasn't a smaller hair line fracture.

Levi and I headed home. We sang and giggled a lot in order to keep him awake. Once we got home we went straight up to nap time.
This was about 2 minutes after I laid him down!! He was out cold! Poor thing!! 
What a Morning!! Not at all what I expected the day to be!!

Around 1:00 I received the call from K. Levi's counts for the day were 235! So at least that wasn't a concern.

Around 2:00 I received the call from Dr. S's office. No Break!! Just need to ice it several times for the next few days and watch him around it especially if he continues to complain.

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