Monday, August 22, 2016

August 4 - Blood Work

August 4 - Blood Work

Today started out as a pretty good day. Levi got up and got moving quite nicely! He was being a little ham! But he was in a good mood, and that's better then a lot of mornings so I will take it!! :)

Picture in front of Mommy's car! 
We got to blood work and all went pretty good. We are working on him getting back to not moving and it's a struggle. He was doing so great, we were contemplating trying him sitting by himself instead of on my lap, but now we are back to him moving all the time. The bugger is it doesn't matter how tight we hold him the way that he moves he basically tenses his muscle and rolls his elbow so the vein moves. While saying "ouchy"! So the draws have been a little harder then normal lately. P is struggling with it the most because she feels really bad if she misses on the first try and has to wiggle it. Once the draw was done he headed right over to the treasure box. He picked paper that looked like money and a purple pencil.
"Somebody turned the fountain on!"
"No donut... OK... Let's go!"
We headed out the door! Once we got outside Levi wanted to call Grammie to show her his band-aid and that he had "made a fish." He wanted to ask her to "make it swim!" It was super cute. We settled on sending pictures to Grammie and an e-mail. That made him happy!
"I see the fish!"
Smile for Grammie and showing her the fish!
Counts came in today around 2:00 and were 227! So a great number since we are going into Infusion next week!

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