Monday, January 23, 2017

January 12 - Blood Work and Reflection

January 12 - Blood Work and Reflection

A year ago today we went to Lebanon for his first appointment with Dr. V post diagnosis. The appointment was supposed to be a question and answer session and some blood work. Levi looked fine. Blood work was taken and we headed home. We never made it home on January 12th though. After making it half way home we received a call from Dr. V, Levi's counts were 6! We needed to come back to the hospital. Levi was being admitted. We were in the hospital for 5 days. Levi had an MRI, and his first port surgery, as well as his first three plasma infusions. That was a scary week and a week that will forever mark our lives of the before vs. after, one of those life changing moments you can't ever go back to the before of.

Levi has had a rough week. He has been a crazy man who can't settle at all. He's been up at all hours of the night coughing and crying. Awake at crazy-o-clock in the morning for the day, refusing naps, and even a biting incident. I was very worried going into today's blood work that something was up. That he was acting up because he wasn't feeling well. The issue of USS is that there are no patterns to anything so any time something is off you immediately jump to the conclusion that something could be wrong.

We got to blood work and the draw went fairly well. Nurse S was not there so that made things a little different. But the nurse who did the draw did a great job. It was quick and easy! Levi picked an orange slinky from the treasure box and we were off to the fountain! He hasn't wanted to stop at the fountain lately so I was a little surprised when he wanted to. But I didn't stop him.

 Because I was being a little sentimental about a year ago, and we were running a little behind schedule I let Levi get a donut from the cafe and a chocolate milk! :) He was so excited to get to have chocolate milk in his breakfast cup (it's a first!).

Drop off at NS went great and I was at work waiting for the results to come in. I was a little on pins and needles just remember the fact that we were not expecting anything a year ago and we got the numbers we got, so who knows what his numbers would be.

Numbers came in around 9am so thankfully I didn't have to wait long. Counts were 352!!!! Wow! What a difference a year makes. We haven't seen numbers like that since a year ago when he was coming off of his three back to back to back infusions! YAY!! That is what I needed. Numbers that show how far we have come in a year! It put a smile on my face and was a great way to start the day.

Next blood work in a week!

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