Monday, January 23, 2017

January 5 - Blood Work

January 5 - Blood Work

Today's blood work went great. Levi was finally in a much better mood at wake up after several rough days after the infusion. He was back to my happy little boy. The actual draw was done by Nurse S who did an ok job. Levi still isn't her favorite customer and she isn't his favorite nurse, but they seem to have come to a mutual understanding of each other and at least don't yell as soon as they see each other.

Levi picked stickers from the treasure box and was adamant that he stick them as soon as we got back to the car. I found him a piece of paper and he went to town sticking them on the paper. We named all of the fish on the way to nursery school. There was dory and nemo, and then purply, pinky, whitey (who is yellow) and then all the bubbles. He had a blast and it was nice to see him in a happy mood again!

His finished product at the end. I found stickers in his carseat for days though. They weren't the stickiest stickers out there. 
Levi's counts came in around noon. His numbers were 254! So a great number from the infusion. It's always a little alarming after an allergic reaction because it may not work right, or his body may use some of it to heal the reaction therefore making it not work as well. But with a 60 point jump in 2 days we are very happy!

Next blood work in one week!

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