Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10 - Blood Work

February 10 - Blood Work

Yes I know it's Friday and not Thursday, but with the storm yesterday we pushed off blood work until today. Due to an important meeting at work this morning and not knowing what the roads would be like Levi and I got up VERY early this morning to go do blood work.

We headed out of the house at 6:45. Levi was tired but in good spirits! And was chatting along on the way down the highway. Took about 40 minutes to get to the hospital, instead of the normal 28ish. The final turn into the hospital was a little hairy! My car thought going a little sideways around the turn would be fun, but we made it safe and sound.

We got inside and had to go to registration today as we are also running Levi's thyroid labs today. Registration went quick and smooth! And we even got some GREAT news! P is coming back on Monday!!! YAY!!!! :):):)

After registering we headed over to the lab. There was no line so that was nice. I handed over the thyroid labs and also informed about the standing order so I knew the paperwork would take a few minutes so Levi and I settled in.

Levi found a crossword puzzle and set down to look at it. He said "Like Grammie Helen! I need a pen!" It was super cute

Looking at our animal book again! 

Since there was no one else around he did a lot of be-bopping between chairs. 
Once the nurse had gotten the paperwork done she called Levi inside. He headed right to the band-aid cabinet. She seemed a little taken back, but not bad. She got down to try to help him pick one and he seemed a little annoyed by that, but he eventually picked the fish again!

We climbed up in the chair. And she was all ready to go! Always nice. She had a purple tube and three yellow tubes (two of the yellow ones are for the TSH and Free T4 for thyroid). Levi said "NO!!! I need a purple and green! Not yellow!" She looked at me like he was crazy. I explained that his tubes are normally purple and green. She seemed a little taken back that he knew that. It seemed like she was going to ignore him but then thought about it for a second and said, "you're right! It's a stat lab, it should be green! Thank you for knowing that!" She switched out one of the yellows for a green. She started going through the motions. I was holding Levi's arm, when he started to have a melt down again. She hadn't put a tube on the end of the line. He gets really really upset by that. I don't think she understood what he meant. He just kept saying "You have to put a tube on before the pinch! You have to put a tube on before the pinch!" I think that distracted him enough that he didn't move when she actually put the needle in, then she put a tube on and he was content. So it was a super easy draw. She did the two yellow ones first and that slightly annoyed him too. But he just kept telling us the colors!

Before we knew it the lab draw was done and he was off to the treasure chest! He picked out a pink slinky! He has been obsessed with slinky's lately! (and I have mastered my skills at untangling a slinky!)

We headed to the car so I could get him to school and get to my meeting on time!

Regular lab results came in crazy quick today! He's numbers were 231. A great number heading into an infusion on Tuesday.
We haven't gotten the Thyroid results yet, but should get a call from Dr. C on Tuesday (he doesn't work Friday's or Monday's). Hopefully it will come back that his counts are off and we need a med change and that explains his lack of sleep lately! Otherwise I am at my witts end! And my exhaustion is getting over whelming with no end in sight!

Next steps: Infusion on Tuesday Feb. 14th! Happy Valentines to us! Infusions have fallen horribly for holidays this year. He missed trick or treating in our town because we were headed to David's House. And now he is missing his Valentine's day party at school because we will be at infusion. I know it wont always be like this, but it makes it hard to see how much he is missing. Thankfully he doesn't even know what he is missing this year!

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