Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 6 - Blood Work

April 6 - Blood Work

Levi slept in today!!!! For the first time in well over a month!!! I wasn't going to stop it, so we didn't even get up until 7:50, so were definitely running late. But every once in awhile it's worth it and needed!

When we got to the lab P was just finishing with a lady and she heard Levi's voice and started telling the lady about how here buddy was here and how good he was. She said "I thought you guys had forgot about me today! Is everything ok?!" I love how much she loves/cares about him.

Levi went right in and picked out a band-aid today. Today he picked emoticons and it happened to have 4 smiley faces that were crying or laugh crying, but of course to a toddler those all look like crying. He was ok with it, and told the smiley faces that everything is ok and petted them. Then he wanted to be a big helper to P so she let him be here handy helper. He held the tubes for her until she was ready for them, handed them over once she was ready, and then held the cotton ball for her when she pulled out the needle. He was grinning from ear to ear that she was letting him help her and she was making a huge deal of it which was just making his day even more!

Once the draw was done we headed for the treasure box. Levi picked out a basket ball hoop and basket ball. He was super excited about it. He gave his hugs and high fives and headed straight for his water fountain.

 Then he asked if he could get a donut. I took a quick glance at the time and realized that he had already missed breakfast at school so I said sure. We headed to the case. This is him looking to see how many sprinkle donuts there are.
 Once we had bought the donut we headed for the car. Levi started eating his donut, like truly biting and eating it, not just licking off the frosting and sprinkles.
 When we got to school I was very surprised to see that this was his plate!! When I opened his door after parking he was putting the last bite in his mouth! It is only a 7 minute drive from the hospital to school! I was shocked! He must have truly been hungry.
After school drop off I headed to work. By 11:30 when there was still no labs I realized that they weren't coming in again today. Jay called the lab and got another person who was very aware of Levi's file and again agreed to send them over right away. I will have to check in with P next time to see why things aren't coming through.

Levi's counts today were 379!!! Holy Cow!! We haven't seen numbers like this in a LONG time. It's crazy!!!!

Next Plan: Blood work next Thursday!

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