Sunday, April 2, 2017

March 30 - Blood Work

March 30 - Blood Work

Besides not sleeping great, and being awake super early Levi has had a pretty good two days, so hoping that his numbers have gone up. There are no new bruises on him, and if his numbers had continued to go down we should be starting to see spotting. So heres hoping!

We got to the lab and it was completely empty so I decided it was a great day to register. We went in to register his standing order. He did a very good job waiting. He always asks if he can color on the signing pads. It's really cute. Now that we have registered again we are all set for another year with his CBC standing order.

We went over to the lab and Levi was very excited to see P. We headed right in to pick out his band-aid. He picked his fishy band-aid again. There are only about 4 left. If you ever happen to see a box of band-aids that looks like this I will happily reimburse you for them. They were originally from Reny's so I am not holding my breath that we will ever find them!
 Levi climbed up in the chair and grabbed two "softy's" aka cotten balls and was playing with them while he was trying to open his band-aid. We had a few extra minutes of play waiting for P as she had to do all new paperwork and get everything set up for the year.

 Once the blood draw started it went as smooth as ever. P really is a miracle worker in that department. Levi headed to the treasure box. It had been re-stocked since we were there last. Levi was very excited about all the new things. There were 3 robots. 2 red ones and a yellow one. He was very excited about them. He grabbed both a yellow and red one and asked if he could have two. I told him that he needed to pick, he picked the yellow one. P was listening in as she was sending his blood down to the lab and waiting for her hug and I saw her swoop in and grab a red one and put him up on the shelf. I whispered "thank you" and she said " of course! I don't want it to disappear!" She is so good to us. Levi gave his hugs and was out the door.

As soon as we left the lab Levi was asking for his robot to be opened. I said sure and we started playing with him.

 We headed out to the car. Levi did a great job of holding my hand and his robots hand!

 When we got to the car I was seriously unimpressed! As you can see the entire row of the garage is empty except for 1 other car! Plenty of open spots.
 And this dude parks right on the yellow line next to me! Seriously!! Getting Levi in to his car seat was a trick. Thankfully he can climb in himself now, so that makes it a little easier! But dude! Park in another spot! Or at least completely in your spot!
I dropped Levi off at Nursery School and started the wait for numbers. I was hoping they would come in early today so that I didn't have to stress about them, and my hopes were answered! They came in pretty quickly! And the count was 140!!!! YAY!!! A 60 point increase since his infusion on Tuesday! So very happy!! Thank you to whoever donated that bag of plasma! You were healthy and it helped my little guy! :)

Next Plan: We will do blood work again on Monday just to insure that they are continuing to rise as expected, we are happiest with his numbers over 150, so want to make sure they get there!

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