Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 1 - Blood Work

February 1 - Blood Work

Happy Birthday Daddy!!! Hope you have a great day!!

We got to the lab and his fountain was working! He was very happy! Here he is pointing to tell you where the water comes from!
 We got over to the lab and there was no waiting, but Levi had climbed up in the empty waiting room chair so I snapped a quick pictures.
 He got inside and picked out his band-aid.
 Then he climbed up in the chair and I asked him to smile so I could take a picture of his astronaut shirt. He said "Hold On, I gotta put this down" It made me giggle cause with the arm down I can't really see his sweatshirt, but he was so proud of himself. And it does show me how big he is getting!! I remember when I had him curled up on me for blood work! And now he fits in the chair!!!

 Since P is still on vacation we had S today. She has done Levi before and is very good with him. We couldn't get the tablet working, but Levi happily played puzzles on my phone. The blood draw went ok, but he did say "ouch!" she looked concerned and asked me if we had been having issues. I told her that there is some scar tissue building up and it is bothering him a little more lately. She was still so proud and amazed at how he did.

Then he was off to the treasure box. Wait a minute! The treasure box is full! P must have snuck in during her vacation to refill it!! She really does love Levi and the other kids that come in. It took Levi a few minutes to pick but he settled on a table game of pool. This should be an interesting choice!
 Then we were off to get a donut! Levi did so well in the morning and has had such a good week I told him we could get one. There was a bit of a wait, so it gave me a second to get a better picture of Levi's sweatshirt. I present to you: Astronaut Levi!
 When we got up to the counter there were no sprinkle donuts. But since the Donut Lady and I had been texting yesterday she knew we were coming in today so I was shocked. I told Levi to get low and look in the case under all the display racks, and sure enough there was a sprinkle donut on a plate hidden under there waiting for him! He was so excited! The donut lady really likes him too!

Then we were off to preschool with our donut.
Counts came in crazy early this morning!! And his counts have gone up!!! WOO HOO!! Hopefully that means we are going to have a nice long wait between infusions! That will be really good for all of us all around. His counts today were 207.

Next Plan: Blood Work again on Monday.

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