Monday, May 21, 2018

May 3 - Blood Work

May 3 - Blood Work

Good Morning! We are up bright and early this morning to do blood work. We have a contractor at our house to finish up a few projects before we list the house on the market so I need to make sure that I am home in time to let him in.

We got to the lab and there was a short wait, but P brought Levi out the tablet so that made him happy. He has been playing this super cute Thomas game lately and was excited to keep playing it.

The draw went quick and easy as always. P was back so that made things go smoothly! We were off to the treasure box before I could blink. He struggled to pick something today, but ended up with a small set of green maraca's.

Then it was donut day and he had his donut money so we were off and running to see T.
He was very excited to show me that there were 3 sprinkle donuts today (usually there are only 2 in the case!) and he couldn't decide which one had the most sprinkles. We beat the Thursday team meeting crowd at the cafe so there was only one person in line ahead of us and that went quick. There were several people who got in line behind us, and when Levi gave T a hug and his money and said please and thank you, they both said "awww! He's cute!" it made him grin.
Then we were on our way to school!
Counts came in at 9:00 on the dot, so a great day. I count anything less then 2 hours a great day! His count today was 326! So still an amazing number!

Next steps: Have a busy but great weekend! And then do blood work again on Monday!

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