Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 18 - Blood Draw

February 18 - Blood Draw

Today's blood draw was about as routine as possible. He held his little arm out and the blood came out. Pretty easy. He has gotten so good at doing it! It make me so proud as a Mom that he is stepping up and doing what he has to do and being such a big boy about it, but also so sad as a Mom to see that he is handling all this without crying. What 20 month old doesn't cry when they get poked, I mean many adults can't even really stand needles and my toddler son does it without a peep. It's one of those bitter sweet things about being a parent.

Numbers didn't come back until almost 3:00 today. That'll stress a person right out. In the end we ended up calling them again, and then them calling us. I know they are getting frustrated by this, but I need to know that number. It is part of being his parent, we need to keep track of what is going on.

Number today = 252. No increase, but no real drop either. Tuesday will be 3 weeks since his last infusion. Dr. V is expecting that we will see a drop next week and will be in Lebanon for an infusion one of the days probably early in the week.

Next week is going to be a very very long and busy week. Partners in Health intake, Endocrinology appointment (remember that with everything USS related going on, Levi still has congenital Hypothyroidism that we have to take care of as well), Surgery follow up in Lebanon, hair cut, and a play date/birthday party. And somewhere in there Jay and I still have to work. Sure lets pile on another trip to Lebanon for an infusion, sounds like a great week. :)


  1. Hi,
    Partners in Health is great we worked with the Portsmouth office for my boys and they were very helpful. Glad to see Levi is doing well right now. You sound like an amazing advocate for your son, he is lucky to have such a loving family.

  2. Thank you very much, that means a lot, I try to do everything I can for him. I am glad you had such a great experience with Partners in Health, everything we have talked about with them so far has been great, so we are definitely looking forward to working with them more.
