Thursday, September 1, 2016

August 25 - Blood Work

August 25 - Blood Work

This morning started out like every other blood work morning, except I made a fatal mistake. I woke him up and said, it's a Miss P day!! And he was soo excited! Uh oh!! I really hope she is back.

We got to the hospital and walked in to the lab. We had to go to registration today as we had the paper labs from Dr. C's office yesterday. The registration went pretty quick. Levi wants to "color his name" on the pad. It's really cute. But trying to keep him entertained while they do the paperwork is hard to do. Registration was done and we headed over to the lab. There was a wait again today! But Levi did a good job waiting and making faces.

Then it was our turn to head in to the lab. Levi picked a candy band-aid but was very sad when he opened it and there wasn't any fish on it. P still isn't back. :( As we were waiting for Nurse N to do the paperwork, which took extra long since she had to do his standing order as well as his endo order, Levi kept asking me what her name was. He kept saying "What's her name? What's her name?". I told him I didn't know (this was a new nurse that we had never had before). When she came over, he actually had the courage to ask her himself, and we learned that her name was N.

The draw went great. She got him on the first try. He cried a lot before it started, which isn't normal for him, but she only did one stick and got the labs quick. She did his standing order in purple and orange tubes instead of purple and green and Levi was very frustrated. He kept saying "Where's my green, where's green".

Levi got down and picked a prize from the prize box. And we headed out. He was sad that the fountain was closed today. It looked like it had over flowed at some point as it was all roped off and there were big fans and dehumidifiers pointed at it. He wanted a donut, but I reminded him that we were going to Dunkin today as it was his last week of daycare, so we were bringing donuts to his friends. He looked at the lady who mans the cafe, and said "Mommy said we go to Dunkin today!! I'm going to Dunkin" It was really cute, and she got a good laugh at that.
Enjoying his donut!
Levi's numbers came in around 3:30. His count was 244, so on the way down, but still an amazing number going in to an infusion next week.

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