Monday, June 12, 2017

May 30 - Infusion #28

May 30 - Infusion #28

We got over to the hospital and checked in just 4 minutes late! Not bad!! We walked out back and the jungle room was full! Uh Oh! This could be the start of a very long day. A told us that the family that was in there would be leaving soon and asked if we could go in the sports room for a short time until Jungle was free. Phew! Day saved!! We set our stuff in sports and then headed to do vitals!

Ducky needed to do vitals too! 
Then Levi wanted to go play in the playroom. Since he has slept so late he hadn't gotten to play at David's House at all this morning so we were off to the playroom! It's nice for him to get a few minutes to "run free" in the playroom before he is tethered.

After only a few minutes in the playroom our Jungle room was nice and clean so we were off to it!! Nurse T was ready to start our Benadryl! He asked for a blanket and I thought for a minute he might actually zone out. But that didn't seem to be the case. We put on planes and he settled a little, but not what I thought he might!

After a few minutes he started asking for his movie to be off and for something to do. Nurse T came in and started his plasma too which kinda pulled him out of the daze he was in. I think he was afraid that he was going to fall asleep so he wanted to stay busy. He spent some time looking at his Paw Patrol Look and Find book!

Dr. V came in and took a look at Levi and talked to us for a quick minute. Levi looked good, so it was a short visit. Then Levi ping ponged from activity to activity. He colored for a little bit.

Did his whole water wow book, some of the pages he did twice.

And played on his tablet for a little bit.
Then it was lunch time! We had leftovers from Ziggy's last night so Jay only went down to the cafe to grab some fresh fruit and we reheated the leftovers. Levi ate great!
After lunch Levi asked to go to the playroom so we were off to play!

He is getting better at staying with his pole but not great at it yet. So going to the playroom while connected is still quite a production!

After a little bit in the playroom we were back to our room. Levi camped out with his tablet for the rest of the infusion time.
Finally the infusion was done. Levi had done great! They were really busy!! So it took a few minutes for Nurse T to come in to get everything situated. Counts had come in at 228. So a great number pre-infusion! We really could probably look at going 4 weeks instead of 3. We discussed it with Dr. V last time when we went 3.5 weeks post vacation, but every time we start discussing it we have a tank for no reason and can't get it up to these better numbers, so makes me really nervous to suggest it!

After he was disconnected Levi asked to go to the playroom for his five minutes of play so off he went. He had shopping cart races in the hallway! And played with the baby! He had a blast!
Then we were off to head home!!

Next plan: Blood wok on Thursday to make sure the infusion worked and infusion again in 3 weeks.

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