Monday, August 7, 2017

July 31 - August 1 - David's House

July 31 - August 1 - David's House

I picked Levi up from his first day of Preschool and we were off to David's House, after stopping to get Grammie. The plan was to stop at exit 9 for McDonald's but Mr. Levi didn't nap at school today and instead fell asleep in the car. Since he isn't a kid who will sleep through the car stopping we rolled on by and let him sleep.

We arrived at David's House and they gave Levi the pick of rooms. He of course picked the space room, it's his favorite! We went upstairs to get settled into our room and then headed down to the kitchen to check on dinner. There was nothing there that everyone would eat so we decided to order pizza. Levi and Grammie read the space book while I ordered the pizza.
 Then we headed outside to play and wait for the pizza to be delivered. Levi loves this little tricycle. He is WAY too big for it, and often ends up just walking with it, but it's a favorite of his to play with.

He said he needed a break!
 Once the pizza arrived we headed in to eat in the ice cream room of course! Levi did a pretty good job eating.
 Then we headed downstairs to play. Levi and Grammie had a great time with the "wooden" blocks. Grammie made some large towers and Levi had a blast sliding into them to knock them over.

 We did some cleaning up and reorganizing downstairs since Levi knows where everything goes and there had clearly been several kids in the playroom today. We played blocks and magnets and made some artwork.

Then it was time to head up to bed. Levi picked out his two bedtime stories and we headed upstairs. PJ time and then story time!
 I am so proud of this little guy. For the first time ever he was in undies at David's House and for the whole drive up (usually we switch him into a pull up) and he had no accidents!! He is getting so big!

Grammie and I headed to the hallway to relax and wait for Levi to fall asleep. A process that took a LONG time! Since we were at the end of the hallway the motion sensored light kept turning off on us. Grammie got a good arm work out in waving her book in the air every 5 minutes to get the light to come back on! Especially since it took almost 45 minutes for Levi to fall asleep. He fights sleep so badly!

The next morning Levi was awake around 6:30. He played on his tablet for a little while and then we all get dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. After breakfast we played at the train table and with the cars and lego's for a few before heading upstairs to put on button cream, pack up and head out. Grammie and Levi got in one more page in the space book while I was packing everything up.
Then we were off to the hospital. Thanks again for everything David's House we are so glad that we can have a home away from home! See you in 3 weeks!

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