Friday, April 27, 2018

April 17-18 - David's House

April 17-18 - David's House

Levi had swim lessons after school today and since his last counts were still over 100 we allow him to participate in all regularly scheduled activities. We did notice quite a few bruises while at swim lessons and even a couple of new ones came, plus he was very tired and emotional so he clearly wasn't feeling great, but he was so excited to get to participate in both of his lessons still.
We got on the road to head to David's House around 6:30, about 90 minutes later then we usually get on the road. It was definitely going to be a long drive. We stopped at McDonalds on the way up and then just got their as soon as we could. David's House rules request that you arrive prior to 9:00. We figured we should make that, but it was definitely later then our normal night.

The drive was fairly quiet and easy. We switched the movie for Levi several times until we finally found one that he would watch and hold his attention. Of course, much to Jay's dislike, it was a buddies movie. But Levi loves those little puppies!!

We arrived at David's House around 8:30 and got signed in to the Pig room. Levi was super excited. Jay and I had talked on the way up that there was no way we could make him to straight to bed once we got there, so we were going to give him until 9:00 to play, then we would do bedtime meds. Levi was pretty happy about that and we were off to the playroom to play before we could barely even talk our shoes off.

Levi and his bunnies went straight to the slide. Those bunnies can really slide!

Jay was playing pinchy crab under the slide and making Levi giggle a ton! It was cute!
Then Levi decided it was time to go grocery shopping. He went around the whole place finding lots of things to buy.
He purchased some odd combinations of food on his shopping trip. Everything from Tuna to Canned corn to milk and cereal and a few cookies thrown in for good measure. He was having a blast though!

After he was done shopping it was time to cook. He mixed everything together and made some interesting stews?! or casseroles?!
Once it was done cooking he made a bowl for each of us and we all ate his yummy food.
After that it was time for bedtime meds and then we headed upstairs for a real snack. At first Levi and green bunny had a cookie. They only ate a few bites of it before deciding that a cookie wasn't really there style.
So Levi helped himself to an apple. It still shocks me sometimes when he can just help himself to things. Since when can he reach the counter! He needs to stay little.
He and Purple Bunny ate some of his apple.
After they had had their fill of apple it was time to head up to bed. We picked out stories and read them upstairs after putting on PJs. Levi picked his bed in the pig room and assigned out the others to Jay and I. He picked an odd arrangement in the pig room this time, not one we have ever done before. Then we said good night and Jay and I headed into the hallway for our wait and see portion of the evening. It didn't take long before the room was really quiet and Levi and all of his fellas (I think he had brought 7 in total to David's House!) were sound asleep!

Jay and I headed down for a little relaxing and some ice-cream. Thanks to whoever cooked dinner tonight and brought the stuff for ice cream sundaes. They were yummy. Jay and I didn't stay up too late as we know that mornings at David's House come far earlier then any morning should. Good night all!

The next morning Levi did something he has never done at David's House! He woke up Jay. Of course I woke up when he got up and was fully prepared for the "Mommy! Mommy! It's Morning!!" that usually comes. But as I slowly came to realize that it wasn't going to come, I decided that I had no strong desire to be up at 5:50am and if Jay was going to get up with him and he wasn't going to ask for me, then hey I would enjoy an extra hour of sleep!

A little after 7am I wondered downstairs to see how Jay and Levi were doing. I was expecting to find them in the living room watching early morning cartoons, so that Jay could be half asleep, but the living room was empty. I wandered downstairs to the playroom and say Levi happily playing and Jay curled up on the floor relaxing. 
As soon as Levi saw me he wanted to play with me and I said sure. Our appointment wasn't until 9am so we had some time to kill at David's House before having to head over to the hospital. Levi and I found a new bug game and I made up some rules since there weren't any in the box. Levi had a blast and easily beat me. He is a very lucky boy when it comes to luck games. He always happens to draw the right cards or push the button at the right time, sometimes I don't know how he does it.
After our game was over I headed upstairs for breakfast and Jay came with. Levi said he wasn't hungry so for the first time ever we allowed him to stay in the playroom while we went up to eat. We could hear him downstairs and knew that he wouldn't stay down there by himself for long. But he stayed down for 5 minutes or so and happily played. Then he decided that he wanted to eat again so he came up for second breakfast. A lady joined us for breakfast who was very talkative. This made Levi very antsy and he really didn't eat much, but took a few bites or so. Since he eats pretty much non-stop once he is connected we don't worry a ton on if he eats breakfast or not.
After that it was time to head upstairs, get dressed and packed up, say good bye to all our David's House friends and head over to the hospital. As always we love coming and we know that we will be back!

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