Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 19 - Blood Work

April 19 - Blood Work

Happy Thursday everyone! It's finally warm enough for spring coats!! And of course Levi's brand new spring coat is green. He actually has two of them, one from Grammie and Grampa and one from the Easter Bunny. That's when you know your kid has a favorite, when multiple people buy the same thing for him! He loves it which is all that matters!

We got to the lab and there was no line and no waiting, so that was nice. Levi headed right in to get his band-aid.
The blood draw went ok. Not great, but ok. Levi's little veins are getting tired. Thankfully P is great with him and understands his needs. After the draw he was off to pick out a sticker.
And then he was off to the treasure box. There was one bunny left and he took it. That makes our bunny family up to 3. This bunny likes to do back slides! He did them all around the fountain. People stopped and watched him, it was cute. Levi was being good and silly and it made people laugh.
Then we were off to school. In the car on the way to school Levi named his bunny. So even though this is kinda a crummy picture I introduce to you Hop Hoppy-Hop Pink-Bow-Tie. That's right, his bunny has a first, middle, and last name! And he came up with it all on his own.
Right after naming his bunny we then had a 5 minute conversation about Buzz Aldrin and the Apollo 11. He wanted to know what the other astronauts names were. He knows Buzz and Neil Armstrong. We talked about how we could look it up tonight after school. He said he might ask his teachers to look it up, and it wouldn't shock me at all if he did. This is the way his little brain works. We jump between being 12 and talking factual information about space and then being 3 and naming our bunny Hop Hoppy-Hop Pink-Bow-Tie. It's a fun world we live in.

Counts took forever to come in today. We eventually had to call medical records to get the numbers and actually got the phone call from his doctors prior to the fax coming in. It's crazy how some days they can get us stat results within 20 minutes, and other days it is 7 plus hours! Drives me batty. And it always seems like the days I am kinda on the edge of my seat waiting for counts, wanting to make sure that his counts went up and we don't need to head somewhere is when it takes forever. I just can't handle it. His count did go up back into the safe zone of over 100 so he could safely be at school (thankfully since he has been there all day and we got results at 3pm). His count is 120. Not an amazing number, but for 18 hours post infusion I'll take it! Thats a 39 point increase, which is a great post infusion initial increase.

That night we had all the bunnies at dinner. Thankfully there aren't any more in the treasure box because I couldn't shove another bunny in that seat! But they joined us for dinner and ate carrots while we had taco's. Levi was excited to have them all there. Here is our bunny family, from left to right, Hop, Green Bunny, and Purple Bunny or Mommy bunny depending on his mood.
Next plan will be to do blood work on Monday and hope his counts have gone up again.

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