Friday, March 11, 2016

March 10 - Blood Draw

March 10 - Blood Draw

Today's blood draw went great as usual! We got to the hospital and as soon as we walked in the front door Levi said "fountain" and started pulling me towards it. We watched the fountain for a minute when Levi's potty watch went off, so we were off to find a potty! After a successful trip we headed to the lab. Nice Nurse was there and we had a short conversation before heading in. Levi picked out his band-aid again and this time picked a giraffe, monkey, jungle theme thing. Was an interesting choice. Up he jumped into his seat and he held his arm out. He squirmed a little more then normal today, but nothing bad, and Nice Nurse did her normal amazing job getting his vein the first time. He could barely wait for her to put the band-aid on before he wiggled his way out of my lap and was off to the treasure box. He was looking through the box when she pulled out the new stuff and started putting it in. He grabbed a green maraca an was out the door before I could get the treasure box closed and follow him. He came back to give Nice Nurse her high five. And we were off, playing our maraca and singing our way out. A stop at the fountain and then we headed out.

Playing at Rumble Tumble on Sunday with his cousins.
Nice Nurse and I had a little conversation about the treasure box as she was adding the new things. I said, "remember when we first started coming here and the treasure box was filled with fish bath toys and rubber duckies" she said "yup" and I said "those are quiet!" I thought she was gonna lose it she laughed so much!
He was so excited that the sandbox was open again!
The "garage tunnel" aka Parking garage was fairly empty and since it was a nice day out we didn't have to rush rush rush to get into the car, so Levi discovered that the tunnel makes an echo. He definitely tried it out for quite a while. Was neat to see his little brain trying to take in everything that was happening and what he was doing with his mouth and then hearing with his ears.

All he kept asking for was "in pool", he even brought us his water wings, so we finally put him "on pool" to show him that it was frozen still. 
We headed to daycare with a stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way. It was Miss T's birthday and we wanted to surprise her with donuts and coffee!

Eating a lollipop on the way to voting on Tuesday.
Results came in around 12:45. Levi's count has dropped to 232. An 18 point drop since a week ago. Without having the blood draw on Monday we don't know if it went up more then 250 and has had a larger dropped, or if it plateaued there and has just slightly dropped. We are going to watch him closely this weekend as last time when he was at 237 he dropped to 180 in just 3 days and then 153 in less then 24 hours. Unsure what will happen this time. We will redo labs on Monday. Levi also has a slight cold (sore throat, runny nose, sneezing) and that wont help his numbers at all either. Currently we are scheduled for his next infusion on the 22nd, it will be interesting to see if we make it to that date or not.

Note: Labs were so quick today that there was no time for pictures. So all pictures are from the week!

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