Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 28 - Pediatrician Appointment

March 28 - Pediatrician Appointment

Last week I had scheduled an appointment for Levi to see Dr. S about a few concerns and that appointment was today. Jay was going to meet us at the office. We happened to be at the same light together (lucky timing). Jay was coming straight through and we were waiting to turn right. Levi saw Daddy's car go by and waved like crazy. Then he yelled "Daddy Follow Car Follow Daddy" and we made our way down the hill to Daddy. He was sooo happy!

We got to the office 1 minute past our appointment time and went right in to register. We set down to wait and Levi did a good job waiting again. This time he had his apple (I make him leave breakfast in the car at the lab) so he was pretty happy.

We didn't have a long wait before they called us back. Levi did weight and temp and blood pressure just fine (as usual). Levi was 31 pounds today with everything but his sneakers on.

We settled in to wait for Dr. S. Levi requested a book so I was reading to him when she got there. We discussed Levi for a few minutes and then settled in to the two concerns. Levi's reflux has gotten really bad again so we are going to go back on twice daily meds instead of just "when needed". We are hoping to get it under control before it is bothering him instead of reacting once we notice it. Levi's rash on his legs just wont go away either. It gets better and then it gets worse, I just can't seem to get it under control. Dr. S touched his legs and noticed how bad it felt even though it wasn't as red today. She wants us to switch up his soap and to try a new lotion on it, and then we will reevaluate at his 2 year (oh god, that's not far away) check up. We caught her up some on what was gong on, she gets all of the reports on Levi from Dr. V but being able to talk to her was good. It's very strange for her to kinda seem out of the loop on what is going on with him as she has always been our first contact before all this USS stuff.

We headed out and Levi got to pick a sticker. They had Doc McStuffins so he was super excited! We headed out and it had started raining. So it was a quick good bye and he was off with Daddy back to daycare.

Hopefully these things will help him be more comfortable. I hate seeing him reflux 10+ times a night, he is just miserable. He has learned that Milk will help him, and will yell for Milk when it's getting bad. Even in his bed at night where he knows he isn't supposed to have a drink he will yell for milk, and sure enough we go in and he is having hiccups and major reflux. And the old lotion we were using on his legs just wasn't cutting it anymore. It had gotten to the point where we would put it on and he would start screaming because it stung so bad. Hopefully this new stuff will be better then that. Levi goes through so much, I don't want to put him through anything more if we don't have to.

We had to run errands at night, so Levi got to be a king!!
King Levi!

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