Monday, March 14, 2016

Second Trip To David's House

I am currently writing this blog post while laying on the floor outside of the Dino room listening to Levi yell "I'm Stuck", "Levi Stuck" and "Drum Ditty". He is so tired but he just won't give in. He is really starting to hate pack and plays but he just isn't ready for a cot yet, since he still sleeps in a crib at home and just doesn't know what a bed is that doens't have sides. And there is no way I am ready to move him out of his crib yet. It is very nice to have him contained while he sleeps, and to still have his angel monitor.

I picked Levi up from daycare and got him in the car. I asked if he wanted to go stay at David's House tonight and play in their huge play room. He looked right at me and said, "No, Charlie Brown's House". The things that little boys say. We headed home to finish packing, pick up Daddy, and head out.

The drive was long as always. Made even longer by the weather. The weather was all rain until about 40 minutes from Lebanon when it started to switch over. About the last 20 minutes of our drive got pretty darn snotty. 89 was down to 45 miles an hour and it was icy and slushy. But we made it.

Got to David's House and got checked in. We were told the house is at full capacity tonight, so I am glad we called early this morning and were able to get a room. We filled out the paper work and found out we were once again in the Dino room. Levi picked a stuffed animal this time and picked out a purple beanie baby named "Dreamer". We headed up to our room and the room looked totally different then just two weeks ago. The wall hanging was gone, the night stand and chair, the curtains were down, the dinosaur stuffed animals were missing, it was like a whole new room. As we were walking around the house we saw lots of other changes as well. It seems they are doing some remodeling and touch ups. Paint jobs and such. So that is pretty cool.

Levi and I headed down to the play room while Jay dealt with the fact that the room had a cot set up in it instead of a pack and play. We had asked the guy at check in what was in the room for Levi and when we asked about a pack and play it seemed like we were talking Latin, I don't think he knew what a pack and play was. Jay got it situated and came down to play with us. We played for about an hour before heading upstairs for dessert. This time there was a sign saying there was taco stuff in the fridge (we had stopped at McDonald's on the way up since it was later) and there were two kinds of cupcakes on the counter.
Levi and Daddy watching the clock sing.
After cupcakes we headed upstairs for bedtime stories (we had brought our own this time) and PJ's. Bed went about as well as could be expected and he was asleep by 9:45 (somewhere in the middle of me typing this post). Between the time change and the place change his sleep schedule is all screwed up.

Jay and I headed downstairs for a few minutes of adult time before calling it a night. Tomorrow is another busy day which starts pretty early in the morning. Gotta be up around 6:50 to get dressed, do Levi's numbing cream, pack up breakfast, and be over to the hospital for a 7:30 appointment.

Good night all!!

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