Monday, July 11, 2016

July 7 - Blood Work

July 7 - Blood Work

This morning's blood work went Amazing!! The morning not so great. Levi was up early and I was rushing around to get everything done. Jay made his breakfast, which I then dumped all over the floor of my car. It was just one of those morning!

P was back and Levi was super excited by that. There was no line no waiting, so that was nice! Went right in and Levi picked out a minion band-aid. We climbed up in the chair and waited for P. The stick went super easy as always and Levi was off and running to the treasure box. He picked out a green squirter. I tried to get him to pick blue since we already have the green one, but he wanted the green one. He went over to give P her high five and hug, and gave her such a big hug he knocked her onto the floor! They were both in giggles. Then Levi took off for the fountain. He wanted his squirter opened, and then attempted to fill it in the fountain. Thank goodness for little arms, or I would have been wet wet wet!

I didn't know he knew how to take the red stoppers out of the squirters, but apparently he has watched me do it enough in the bath tub to figure it out!!

Then we were off to the car. He asked for a donut, but was ok when I said no. We were singing in the car on the way to daycare. When we got to the big brown bridge Levi started to peel off his band-aid (the spot on the drive when he knows he can take it off if he wants). Then he said "Sorry minion, Sorry I'm peeling you, don't cry Minion, It's ok!" then he told me "Mommy Minion Sad, this Minion crying" and when I asked why the Minion was sad he said "I'm peeling him" like duh, why didn't you know that Mommy!

We got almost to daycare and Levi said he had to go potty. So I drove a little faster on the dirt road, and when we got to daycare we headed right for the potty and we were still dry! But he had a lot of pee to come out. I gave him a hug afterwards and was out the door on the way to work.

These mornings are exhausting!! An hour and a half in the car, an hour with Levi and then 28 minutes back to work by myself. So tired by the time I finally make it to my desk!

I started calling the house for Levi's numbers around noon as usual. No message. By 4:00 with still no message I was annoyed and knew that I would not be nice to K. So Jay gave them a call. He got receptionist S who said that they hadn't gotten the results. Umm... what?!?! It's a stat lab that was done at 8:20 in the morning. Jay called the lab and talked to a tech who said "yes we have for sure sent that, but we will send it again" they were not able to give him results over the phone only resent the results to the doctor. I figured we would hear soon. But no. We didn't hear until 12:30 on Friday!! That is just not acceptable!! Thankfully his counts were good. Count = 275!!

Plan: Blood Work again on Monday (7/11).

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