Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 10 - Blood Work

November 10 - Blood Work

This morning was pretty stressful for all of us. All week Levi had been waking up and saying "No P's this morning, Mommy, No P's" where as usually he is all about "Go see P, Mommy, Go see P". So I was very worried about how the morning would go. But this morning he woke up and when I said "we are gonna go to P's before Nursery School" he said "ok" with a smile on his face. First win of the day!!!

We got to the the hospital and walked in. The first thing we saw was that the fountain was turned off. Levi was very upset about this. He loves that fountain. He was very worried that it was broken! Uh oh, not starting out as good as would have been nice.

We got into the lab and there was a wait. P seemed a little frazzled with how many people were in the lab. Thursday mornings are usually pretty quiet, so I was a little surprised with how busy it was as well. Levi did a great job waiting though. He "drove" the chair, took pictures, and did a decent job of sitting in his chair and waiting.

He wanted to see how big his mouth was!! 
Driving the chair

Finally it was our turn. Levi went running right into the lab to pick out his band-aid. He picked out the plain blue band-aids with the pink and green fish on them. He generally gets upset when he opens those and realizes that the band-aids don't have the bear in the boat on them and just have the fish, but today he was excited! Win #2. 

The draw itself went great. Could not have gone quicker if we had tried, was so smooth, he barely wiggled, and no crying!! I don't know what is up with his left arm vs. his right arm, but I swear I am never letting anyone touch that left arm again. Right arm all the way!!! Win #3. 

He ran over to the treasure box and was super excited about everything but then didn't want it. He ended up settling on a pencil, and then P insisted that he take paper to color with, she even tried to get him to take a whole coloring book. He did settle on taking one of the small flip flop note books. 

Results came back at almost the 30 minute mark exactly!! Win #4. 
And his counts were 190. Win #5!!

Was a great morning!! Next plan is for blood work again on the 17th. 

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