Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 17 - Blood Work

November 17 - Blood Work

This morning was crazy and hectic!! I am in training for work all week, so have to be up and out of the house early to arrive on time, so adding in blood work on top of that made it so we had to be out of the house super early! Plus Levi had stayed home sick from Nursery School on Wednesday, so when I woke him up on Thursday I didn't even know for sure if he would be going to Nursery School. Thankfully he woke up much healthier then he went to sleep, so that was good.

We were off and running to the lab by 7:10. So early!! Usually Levi isn't even up by 7:10, let alone, up, dressed, and in the car. We got to the lab and there was one gentleman in ahead of us. Levi climbed up in the chair and waited.
Climbing into the chair is hard work

Can I push the button mommy?!

Look how big my mouth is!!

When P said he could go in he took off running for the band-aids, almost taking out the man who was trying to come out. Thankfully the man was about my age, and thought it was funny! Levi picked out a shopkins band-aid and was very happy about it when he got it open and saw that it had the popcorn shopkin on it! (that is his favorite).

The draw went amazing! Nice and quick and easy. P used his right arm but a different vein then usual, the one more on the inside of his arm instead of the outside. She said that as he is getting older that one is becoming more prominent. Levi didn't argue at all, just let her do it! :)

When it was done he was off and running to the treasure box. He picked a green fish and was very happy about it. He went running off to the fountain after giving his hugs to P. He really really wanted to put his fish in the fountain, he kept telling me that she needed to swim, but thankfully we escaped with a still dry fish.

We were off to the car so I could rush him to Nursery School and then rush back across town to make it to training in time, which I did with about 2 minutes to spare!

The fax came in about 30 minutes after the draw! YAY. Maybe we finally have the system worked out and the fax's are going to come in when they are supposed to. I was a little worried about what Levi's count would be with the cold he has, but the worry was all for not. His count came back at 176! Not a bad number at all since we have an infusion on Tuesday.

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