Monday, November 7, 2016

November 3 - Blood Work

November 3 - Blood Work

Today started out like every other blood work day. Levi was super happy in the morning that we were going to go to "P's Work!" We drove down to the hospital and he was very happy about getting into the garage tunnel and walking into the hospital.

We got over to the lab and it looked like P wasn't there again, but once we got closer she was. She has been training people on the computer/paper work side of things so it always seems like she isn't there. Levi was super excited to see her and couldn't wait to get out of my arms to go into the lab. He went bounding in. He picked out a band-aid right away, and climbed up into the chair.

P came over to do the draw and Levi was still pretty happy. We told him that we had to use his left arm because his right arm is getting tired and the vein just isn't as good. He wasn't overly happy about this but he let us do it. P did the coldy cold and the softy soft and everything was going well. This is when things took a turn for the worse. She didn't even have the needle close to him yet and he lost it! He was kicking and screaming and yelling. I tried to distract him with the pictures, which usually works and he settles right down, but nothing was working. He was moving all over the place. At this point the needle was in, but P was struggling to find the vein, which was no surprise. He was kicking hard and he kept pushing her further away. P was clearly losing her cool, which I don't blame her, I was too. I just kept trying to reassure him that all was good and life is ok, but it didn't matter. He was just screaming, crying, kicking, turning bright red, and had huge tears coming down his face. He was about to fall off my lap, but there was nothing I could do. Finally the needle was in the vein and the blood was coming. Usually this will settle him down and he will watch the tubes fill, but not today. He just kept crying. I looked down at him at one point as he was literally trying to roll over in my lap and said "Levi, sweetie, you gotta stay still" and he looked up at me with this big puppy dog eyes and tears down his face and said "Mommy I want a cuddle"! Just about broke my heart, he was trying to roll over so I would hold him better. Finally the tubes were full enough, and P pulled the needle out. We all were right on edge. Levi settled down ok and took off for the treasure box. P was pretty shaken. The poor girl who was training was shaken and she had been in the office. P looked at her and said "It's usually not like this!" I hope she doesn't consider a career change after that 1 draw as Levi is usually so good.

Levi dug around in the box some but it didn't take him long to land on a sun catcher with a fish and bubbles. He gave big hugs to P like nothing strange had happened, and was off to the fountain.
I took him potty and then let him get a donut. After a draw like that, Mommy's heart is broken into a million pieces, and I know that a donut will at least put a smile on his face. I just want to hold and cuddle him for hours, but I have to work and he has to go to nursery school.
Around 9:30 the lab faxed Jay the authorization form again... umm.. seriously?!? We have signed that thing at least 3 times now. Jay called the lab and explained to them what was going on, and why we received the labs plus the doctor, and that yes we have permission from not only our doctor but the director of security with the hospital, so she agreed and sent over the labs a little after that.

Levi's count was 168! Not bad at all! An increase with the infusion! We will wait until next Thursday to do labs again.

My fear now is that Levi will have bad memories with the lab. Usually in the morning Levi is very excited about P and asks if we can go see P in the morning before school, and I have to explain to him that no, it isn't the right day. Well Friday was not the case with that, he woke up in the morning, looked right at me and said "We NO go see P today! NO P Work!" Uh Oh! I may be in trouble next Thursday. Hopefully all will be good and life will return to the normal, but we shall see!

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