Thursday, November 3, 2016

October 27 - Blood Work

October 27 - Blood Work

What a morning!!! Someday's I almost forget that Levi is 2. He is so well behaved and listens so well, and then there are mornings like this morning! He's 2 alright!!! At some point we lost our listening ears completely! And our ability to make a decision at all went right out the window too!

We got to the lab and P said we could go right in. Levi was super excited to go in because we had brought new band-aids for P, a box of shopkins band-aids and a box of Lion Guard band-aids. He gave them to P and then went right to the band-aid cabinet and stood there, and stood there, and stood there. Looking at all the pretty boxes. Finally he settled on Sesame Street, but then we had melt down after melt down after melt down about which one we wanted. You can't even really see them through the paper, but he didn't want any of the ones in the paper. Finally I just handed him one and said that's what you get.

The blood draw itself went great! A quick stick, no crying, all smiles. He was off and running to the treasure box. And then he stood there, and stood there, and dug around, and picked things up and put them down. It was so frustrating! P brought out all of her back up supply of stuff and he wouldn't pick any of that either. Finally he settled on a small little yellow tube and a red stretchy guy. I said fine, and off we went.

The labs didn't come in today again! Around 11 Jay called the hospital and requested them and they did send them over. His numbers were 157. So an 80 point drop in a week. Not awful, but not great either. Next Tuesday is an infusion, so dropping at this point is expected, but that is a rather large drop. We will be watching him over the weekend and making sure that everything looks good.

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