Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 23 - Blood Work

October 23 - Blood Work

Happy Monday! Back to the regular life!! For those of you who only think I feed Levi donuts here he is happily munching on cheerios on the way to blood work after he had eaten his whole apple sauce pouch (the green thing next to him!)
We got to the lab and there was no line and no waiting! Levi went right in and found his band-aid and climbed up in the chair.

P had the games ready for him to play and he was excited to play them!
The draw itself went great as always and he now always says his last name and birthday numbers. So really I have no work to do!

P had told him that she had a special surprise for him today, so instead of going to the treasure box, he got to open up his special present from P. He was so excited. He threw the paper everywhere as he was opening it.
He opened up to Fingerlings!! He was excited!
Here he is showing me the box!
He wanted to open them right away and P got the scissors and got the box open. We only took out Willy and turned him on and were playing with him. Levi was having a blast with him and proudly lugged him all the way to the car.
Here he is introducing the world to Willy!
He wanted to open Milly and their playset but I told him that would have to wait until after school. He was ok with that and spent the car ride playing with Willy. Giving him kisses, "fluffing" his hair, and putting him to sleep, only to wake him back up and giggle. It was awesome to see him so excited. And it was so sweet of P to get them for him. She really does love him and he loves her!!

Counts came in around 10:30 at 195. That's a great number! A confusing number! I don't understand how they are going up while he continues to have a cold and green yucky runny nose. But they are so I will take it. I just hope we aren't missing something.

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