Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 30 - Blood Work

October 30 - Blood Work

Well we woke up this morning to power but most of the rest of the state didn't, including both Jay and my work. So it was a lazy morning at home. We watched a few shows and had breakfast at home. After Jay got home from making sure everything at the shop was shut down ok we got dressed and all headed to the lab. We haven't all gone in awhile so it was a nice treat. The drive down was fairly uneventful until we hit Dover and the lights were out at the intersections.

We got to the hospital and they were running on generator. Oddest feeling ever. Levi was very upset that the fountain wasn't working. We tried to explain to him that power for the fountain did not fall into the essential category, but he tried to explain that it did.

We headed over to the lab and there was a long line so we settled in to wait. We took some family Selfies and then Levi played games on my phone until it was his turn.

He had a picture that he had painted for P as a thank you and was very excited to give it to her, but she wasn't there. My guess is that she had no power and no way to get to work. Hopefully everything is ok. The nurse that we had has drawn Levi before. I can't remember her name, and for the first time ever he didn't ask someones name.

When they called him he went running in to get his band-aid and the other nurse was not impressed by that. I thought she was going to say something to him until I said "Get your band-aid sweetie". Then we were in the other chair today, which I think was a good thing because it made it a definite difference. The nurse came over and got out a purple tube and a yellow tube and a piece of tape. Levi asked her why she had tape, and she just said I do. He wouldn't let it go, "but why do you have tape?" and "we don't need tape". I think its probably because P tells him that he is special and thats why he gets a cool band-aid and that non-special people just get a cotton ball and tape, and I think he was probably putting that together as him not being special. Finally she said "yes you will get a band-aid, it's just habit". And he accepted that. We got her to change her tube from yellow to green. She wasn't impressed that we called her out on that, but we have enough trouble getting his results I don't need it to also not be the right tube.

Once the draw started it went pretty quick and easy and then he was off to the treasure box. It was a rough decision day today! But he did finally settle on a green hulk plane.

And yes he does have his rain boots on, he wanted to be able to splash in the puddles. :)

Then we started the adventure of getting him to preschool. With multiple roads closed and lights out it was an adventure, but we made it and dropped him off.

At this point we still do not have counts in, and have not received a phone call from DHMC either so I assume they do not have them. We need to get a hold of the lab and see what is up with that, but I am sure their fax machine is probably not essential either.

Update: We called the lab who sent us to medical records, who claimed they didn't have our fax or signature on file so that was a whole nightmare, but thankfully Jay handled it and we got counts. His platelets are 192. So a drop since Thursday, but still an amazing number. will be interesting to see what they are tomorrow.

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