Monday, May 9, 2016

April 28 - Blood Work

April 28 - Blood Work

Today's blood work was done on the drive back from Camp Sunshine. Levi was a little over excited from the long drive and our trip to Build a Bear on the way home.
Levi and Marhsall in Marshall's new car!
We got to the garage tunnel and showed Daddy where we normally park. We jumped out and headed inside. It was after lunch but not as late as last week. We needed to do our quarterly endo blood work as well as our usual USS blood work so we had to register. Levi was a little crazy as we were waiting at registration. He likes to try to color on the pads that you sign on. Thankfully this paperwork is pretty straight forward, and I had the physical lab slips (not trying to be faxed over) so the registration process went fairly stream lined.
Playing with the signing pad. 
Then we headed over to the lab and went right in as there was no line no waiting. Levi picked out his band-aid, and we climbed up in the chair together. Daddy was with us again this time so we were able to get a few pictures that would be impossible for me and Levi to get without someone else.
Picking out his band-aid.
Waiting for Nice Nurse. See his arm in position already?! He knows what to do!
Levi did great during the blood draw as usual! He was off and running to the treasure box as I was finishing up the last name and dob information. Today he picked an Orange Squirt gun from the treasure box.
Showing off his new squirt gun!
We headed home and grabbed lunch on the way and then put Levi down for a nap.

Dr. Kim called herself a few hours later with the results. It's always a little nerve wracking when the doctors call as usually that means something is going on, but this time it just meant that she saw the results come in and decided to call. His numbers came back at 309!! A Great number. We also talked to her about if there is anything that Levi can take for his cold, and the short answer is not really! This little guy has a LONG road ahead of him when it comes to colds. He can't take any ibuprofen or any of the phens due to his platlet count and that pretty much rules out ALL cold meds. So we are sticking with tylenol and warm baths and a humidifier. Hopefully this cold will pass quickly.

Levi's endo results came in on Wednesday May 4th. Lowering his meds 6 weeks ago put his Free T4 into range! But it put his TSH out of range, higher then we have seen it in a long time. So the frustrating news there is that 44microg is too much but 37.5microg isn't enough. And there isn't a pill option in between. So it seems like we are going to make a middle of the ground pill option but alternating the meds. So Three days a week he is on one dose, and four days a week he is on the other. Hopefully this will regulate things. We will check numbers again in 6-8 weeks.

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