Saturday, July 1, 2017

June 20 - Infusion #29

June 20 - Infusion #29

We got over to the hospital and Levi requested that we park on the purple level. I told him we would see. By the time we found a parking spot we were on the yellow floor and since the purple floor is next I said sure and up we headed to Purple. Levi was very excited. Super Levi carried in crayon and his tablet backpack!! He is such a big boy now!
 We got to the elevators and Levi pushed the button. The first elevator that came we went in too and the door wouldn't close enough for it to move. It was freaking me out a little so we got out and waited for the elevator to come. Once we got into it Levi said he was "too tired" to stand up! So he set down for the ride.
 We got checked in and headed out back. They gave us the choice of the fish or jungle room and Levi, as expected, picked the jungle room. We set our stuff down and Levi took off for the play room. He was very excited to play with the toys.
 It wasn't long before Nurse T was ready for us and we headed to the jungle room. We got his Benadryl started and Levi asked for a movie. He picked planes and we got it started. He settled in with a snack and a drink!
Crayon looks excited!
 Dr. V came in to talk to us and looked at Levi. He checked out his swollen ear and said it looked fine and was probably just a black fly bite. He checked out the rest of him and everything looked good. We talked for a minute about the fact that we have pulled Levi out of school for the summer and that now he is home, but that he will be back with other kids (and new germs) as soon as a slot opens. He marked that in his chart as we expect his numbers to be a little more wonky once we are with other kids and germs more often, where as right now he is home and not exposed to much. Then he stood and watched Planes with Levi for a few minutes. Levi always gets excited when Dr. V watches his movie with him. Dr. V once again said that some day he would need to actually watch the entire movie as he has only seen small pieces of it with Levi (we don't think anyone else watches it as many many times we have put it back in the DVD player 3 weeks later and it has been at the exact same place that we turned it off at the last time we watched it).

Not much longer and Nurse T came in to get his plasma started. She said that the blood bank hunted and they gave us the smallest bag that they could, but it is still way too large for Levi! So for the first time in a LONG time, possibly over a year, we will not be finishing the bag today. Levi needs 240mL plus or minus a few and the bag was 283mL.

Once we got the plasma started we settled in for the long wait. Levi wanted his tablet so he set and played with that for awhile. He also told us that the room was too bright and requested that they bring in the small lamp for him so of course they did for him, so we set in the shadowy light for most of the day.
 Then it was time for lunch. We heated up the left over pizza and Jay headed to the Cafeteria for salad, fruit, and dessert. With the voucher they give us lunch was almost free! Thanks for always providing us that! Makes our lives a little easier. Levi set and ate. Then he wanted a new movie so we settled in with Ratatouie. Levi has never seen it before and he seemed ok with it.

The end of the infusion went quick as we didn't need to finish the line (the part that always seems to take the longest!) as we ended the infusion without finishing the bag.

The whole day seemed to go super fast. Before long it was time to get dressed. Jay and Levi were being super silly at the end!
 Counts came in at some point during the day at 203, so a great number!!

Levi was off to the playroom for his 5 minutes of playtime! He ran with the shopping cart one time around the loop and blew bubbles.

Then we were on our way home! Levi did great as per usual! He really likes coming here. A few fun quotes of the day from Levi:
"Are we going to Dr. V's house?"
"I Love Dr. V! He's soooo nice!"
"Ok  T I'll come with you, but no pokey things! I don't like the pokey thing!" - all while holding his little finger up!
"No No No! I said no pokey things!" - while holding up and shaking his whole little hand!

The drive home was loud as Levi didn't sleep! We picked up Jay's car in Concord since we had left it there and headed home separate, so the second hour of my drive was quiet as Levi went home in "Daddy's race car!"

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