Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 6 - Infusion #36

December 6 - Infusion #36

Levi was in a pretty good mood this morning for doing this a second day in a row. We had a little extra time this morning so we got to park on purple and that always makes Levi super excited. I hate having to drive all the way to the top of the parking garage, but Levi loves it, so I do it for him.
Waiting for the elevator on Purple. 
He ran into the elevator and was very excited that it was empty!
We got down to registration and he did a great job of sitting and waiting. He even got Shelley and Cuddly to sit and wait patiently with him. It was really cute!
Then we were out back. This is when it started to sett in for him that we really were doing it all over again today. He did ok getting his vitals taken, but not as great as yesterday. We don't have to do height and weight today as they don't assume it changed much in 24 hours. But we get blood pressure, temperature, and Oxygen level.
Then we were off to the playroom. He found his train and had fun playing with it.
It was only a few minutes of playing before Nurse K was ready to access Levi's port. We were doing the same plan as yesterday. Access port and send blood work downstairs to get counts before moving forward. This gives us lots of time to play. The access went great as usual. They have new giant IV3000's and that really helped the needled stay in without allowing the tagederm to touch his skin.

After the access was completed and the blood was taken we were back to the playroom to play. Levi bounced around and played with lots of different things.
Building his rocket in the correct order. 

Rocket all built
Then he found the car and was excited to drive it around. It's been quite awhile since he last drove it and it was neat to see how much more comfortable and skilled he was with driving with his feet. There was actually no worries about him running into people.
He took the car and ventured around the square.
Then he realized that he could take the car to the snack cupboard! He was excited by that.
Then he took the car right into Jungle room. This was the only open parking spot so that he could park his car and unload the trunk. He put all his snacks on the table and then took the car back to the playroom.
After driving he decided it was time to ride. But he couldn't ride in the two person wagon by himself so we had to take a baby with us.
Then it was time to play doctor. I love that they give the kids real medical supplies to work with. It makes everything they go thru more realistic and less scary. He accessed the baby and took his blood. It's neat to see what he remembers from getting his own done, and what parts he mimics when he is playing and what parts he doesn't. He also soothes the baby just like we do with him. It's fun to watch and listen too.

Then he asked for the markers to draw on the easel with. When Nurse K came in to get them from the drawers for him he saw the paint and decided that he wanted to paint a picture today. I said sure! So we got out some water colors and Levi went to town.

It wasn't long after he was done painting that Nurse K came in with his IV pole. Levi's counts had come back and they were at 66! So nowhere near a large enough raise to avoid another infusion today. Levi wanted to stay in the playroom and play so we got his Bennadryl and Tylenol hooked up in the playroom. The nurses are so flexible and all the parents and kids that are in there are so relaxed about watching a kid get meds or get hooked up, it's just part of life in the playroom.
Levi still hasn't learned that the IV pole means that he can't run around the playroom. So we post an adult on the pole and another adult with Levi keeping him as calm as possible. He did pretty well, but Jay had his work cut out for him keeping up behind him.
Jay was happy when Levi decided he wanted to sit and read instead of playing bus, until he realized that Levi wanted him to read the entire body book! It was cute to watch them read the book!
Soon it was time for his infusion to start, so Levi rode his pole to the vitals room to get another set of vitals before the infusion started. This is set number 2 of 4 for the day. He did pretty well sitting for these ones. Nurse S did his vitals and actually did a really good job explaining things to him, even showing him how the blood pressure cuff worked, unplugging it while it was blowing up to let the air blow on him so he could see what it did. He was excited to see it work.
Then we were off to our room for snack and a movie with the infusion. Levi requested a blanket and the dimmer light. We settled in for awhile. Levi requested Cars 2! A first ever!! and we got the movie started for him.
It wasn't long after the infusion started that it was time for Jay to head to the cafe to get lunch. Levi asked if he could go with him, but he isn't ready for that yet, and since his infusion had just started he would need his 15 minute check while Jay was gone. Since it was Wednesday instead of Tuesday the specials were different and Levi was excited to get a meatball sub.
After we ate lunch we talked to Dr. K for a few minutes about the plan. She said we would be going home today after the second infusion and doing blood work on Friday to see if counts had come back up. If they have then we will be good, if they haven't then we would be coming back on Friday for another infusion, but she doesn't want to do more then two in a row without waiting to see what his counts do. So with that information Jay headed over to David's House to get our stuff and check out of our room.

Cars 2 ended and there wasn't enough time left in his infusion to start a whole other movie so instead I gave Levi tablet time. He was excited to get to play!
Levi's infusion was done and Jay still wasn't back. I was just getting Levi's shoes on when Jay came rushing in. He apologized for being gone so long and said that he had stopped to talk to Jaye for quite awhile at David's House about the condition of the playroom and the adults in the kitchen last night. Levi was fine that Daddy had been gone and was just excited that he got to play in the playroom for a few minutes before heading out.

He used all the blocks in the truck to make a giant tower, almost as tall as him.
And then he knocked it over!!
Then it was time for a little dinosaur play!
And then it was time to head out. Levi was not as excited to be leaving today as he knew that we were going home and back to our regular lives and not over to David's House to play!
He put his key in the box!
And told his key to have fun with his friends and that he would see him next time.
We got in the car to head home. Levi ate his lollipop that had been in his advent calendar on Monday.
Then we stopped at the gas station to add to Levi's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Beanie Baby collection. They had Michelangelo, Levi really wants Donatello, but they didn't have him. And we got a snack since he hadn't eaten much lunch.
Then we started the long drive home. We thought at one point that Levi might fall asleep, but he didn't, he just watched his movie the whole way home.

Next Plans: Blood work on Friday and hope that his counts have come up high like they did last time. Then we all hope that Levi doesn't get sick again and that these two infusions can last him longer then the last two did.

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