Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 8 - Blood Work

December 8 - Blood Work

The last few days since we got home from his infusions have been relatively quiet. We spent some time at home and just relaxed. You wouldn't think that infusions would take a lot of energy out of Jay and I, but they do! Man are they exhausting!!

We got to the lab this morning and Levi was excited because his fountatin was working. He stood and watched it for a few minutes.
Then we were off to the lab. We got over there and there was no line and no waiting. But there also seemed to be no P. Uh Oh!! This may not end well. Levi went running right in for a band-aid.
Then he climbed up in the chair and waited. He asked the nurse if she had P's tablet, but she didn't. Levi was a little upset by that, but he handled it well. The blood draw went great! The nurse was so shocked with how well he did. Before I knew it we were off to the treasure box. Levi picked a Dory stuffie that he has been eyeing for several weeks now.

Then we went running out back to our fountain to say hi. They are all decorated for Christmas now and Levi loves looking at the trees as well as the fountain.
Counts took a little while to come in. When they did come in they were only 132. We are over the 100 point danger mark, but still not in a great place. That isn't good. Two infusions should have bumped him higher then that. Since we are over 100 we wont be headed back for another infusion today, but we will be having a quiet weekend at home in order to not expose Levi to anything if possible and hopefully his body will continue to make platelets over the weekend and his counts will be much higher on Monday.

Next steps: Quiet weekend at home, followed by blood work Monday Morning.

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