Friday, March 3, 2017

February 14 - Infusion #23

February 14 - Infusion #23

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!!! 
Happy Anniversary Grammie and Grampa!!!!

Hopefully today will be a great infusion!!! We got there a few minutes early as we were hoping to get out and home in enough time to get Levi down to Nursery School for his Valentine's Day Party. 

Levi was being a very good boy! We started the morning with vitals like always.
 Then we were off to the playroom. Dr. V has a medical student with him this week so she came in to look at Levi first. I love that they are so accommodating with the kids (when they can be) and instead of forcing him to leave the playroom she just did it right there since Levi was the only kid. We had a long discussion with her about his lack of sleep and therefore general crankiness. After she had completed her check-up she went out to talk to Dr. V about her thoughts and then they both come in together for another check up. Levi does pretty well with this since it isn't the first time Dr. V has had a medical student. We talked to Dr. V about his lack of sleep as well. Neither felt it had anything to do with his USS. Which we had somewhat figured, but figured that it didn't hurt to cover all our bases.
 It wasn't much longer before it was time to head back to the jungle room to get accessed and start the Bennadryl. Levi received a Valentine's Day card from the local boy scout troop. He was pretty excited about that. We started the Bennadryl and Levi wanted a movie. We have been talking about the Lion King a lot so I went to look for that movie but they didn't have it. So I brought in some other options and Levi picked McQueen (aka Cars). He was definitely very tired but as usual wouldn't actually give in to sleep so we did a lot of up, down, around, up, down, around, lots of antsyness. Just all around lots of fun!!

 We eat and drink pretty much non-stop at infusions. I don't quite know where he puts it all. You would think at some point during the day he would get full, but that doesn't seem to happen!

After McQueen was done Levi picked to watch Frozen! I was shocked!! No planes at all today!!
Levi's numbers came back at 226 today so a great number!! He has been staying high lately which is super nice.

Finally his infusion was done! His port looked great when we de-accessed it so that is always good. We have started using a safety needle with him and it seems to work great! It is a little bigger, and a little bulkier, but he doesn't seem to mind it when it is in, and no matter what he does he doesn't seem to be able to get it out. So that is a huge relief for us!

Levi headed to the playroom for his 5ish minutes of free play before we head home.
Levi convinced the receptionists at check in to give him a "key" today. Really he only wants it so that he can put it in the box when we leave. He was super excited to get to climb up and put his key in the box.
As if he hadn't eaten enough during the infusion he ate gummy worms on the drive home. And never slept, because sleep is for the weak! :)
Next Plan: Blood work again on Thursday to make sure the infusion worked! And infusion again in 3 weeks!

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