Sunday, March 5, 2017

February 24 - Blood Work

February 24 - Blood Work

Happy Friday!!! Or as our family likes to call it "Happy Slushy day!!"
Yes I know it's Friday and blood work is usually on Thursday's, but with yesterday's endocrinology appointment and Jay and my crazy weeks at work we just didn't have time to fit it in yesterday, and since his counts haven't been low or concerning we figured it could wait one day.

We walked in to the lab, Levi was all excited to see P! We went over to sign in and instead of P behind the desk it was S. Umm... there would be our problem with waiting until Friday instead of going on Thursday. I thought that Levi was going to have a melt down right there, but he didn't. He held it together which was so nice! S did the paperwork and then called us out back. Levi went right to the band-aid cabinet and picked out his band-aid. Then he climbed up in the chair and started telling S how it was done. "Blue Tighty tight! green and purple tubies! This arm!" It was cute in that toddler bossy way! S took it like a champ and did what he asked in order to keep him happy. The draw itself went fairly well, although after a minute or two he did look right up at her and say "I love P! I want her!"

As soon as the draw was done we were off to the treasure box! It was a little lower then someday's though still very full! (Someday I really need to thank the couple who fills the treasure box!!) Levi started digging around and found 3 bracelets at the bottom! He was so excited about them.

We were out of the hospital and on the way to school when he asked me if he could wear them to school. I said "sure!" figuring that if they got lost they were just little plastic bracelets and we could find new ones or would get over it. He walked in to school and was so proud to show them off to all his friends. I was a little concerned what a few of the other boys might say (there are a couple of very boy boys in his class) but they all thought they were super cool! I think it helped that they were blue, orange, and yellow! I don't know what his teachers thought but when I picked him up that night they were in his cubby, so they had clearly been taken away at some point.

Speaking of picking him up and it being slushy day! Here is a slushy picture!!!

Numbers came in at 287 today! So a great number! It has been so nice that they are staying so high!!

Plan: Blood work again on March 2nd!

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