Monday, March 12, 2018

February 25 - Blood Work

February 25 - Blood Work

Happy Sunday! Yup you read that right, Sunday! Not a day we usually do blood work, but after the day we had yesterday I think its important that we do blood work today.

Yesterday we had a pretty good day, until rest time. After rest time Levi got up and didn't look quite like himself. He was pale and just kinda out of it. Jay and him started making cupcakes. I was sitting on the couch doing the bank statement. Levi stopped helping with cupcakes and came over and laid down on the couch with a blanket and said "I think I need to lay down and take a little rest". I took one look at him, set my paperwork down, and had barely seconds to move his head off of the couch before he threw up everywhere. After that he perked up, his color seemed to come back, and he was full of energy again. We put him into the bath tub and he played for 45 minutes or so. I thought we would just keep him calm and put him to bed and then everything would be ok, that this was just a random one time thing. But that was not to be my luck. Between 5:00 and 12:30 he threw up a half dozen times or more. Any time he woke up, set up, or drank anything he threw up within minutes. It was a long night. I would say he did much better hitting the bucket this time then he did a few months ago when he was sick. You know that Levi is very sick when he falls asleep on the couch without melatonin.
Today we woke up and Levi was much happier. He was still pale and didn't want to eat much, but he was very thirsty and sucked down all the gatorade that I had in the house. After I tried to get him to eat something we called the hospital and warned them that we were coming down for a stat lab and then we headed out. It was snowing and yucky out so was a slow drive down.
Levi brought his phone in the car as the "Super Guys" (ie. Super Man, Spider Man, etc.) were all lost and he needed to help them.
We got to the hospital and headed to the emergency room as that is all that is open, we told them who we were and that we had called ahead and they were confused that we didn't have the paperwork with us. But then we headed down to the lab and they called a nurse for us to meet us at the regular lab. We headed down and Levi waited in the empty walkway. He was upset that his fountain wasn't working still.

Then a nurse came down and we explained to her where the paperwork was and such. She wasn't excited to draw a toddler so she called down another nurse who has drawn Levi before, so we waited for all that. We set in the waiting room and played games on Levi's phone and on my phone.

The draw went quick and easy once it started and then Levi headed off to the treasure box. And then we headed out.
Since the weather was crummy we decided that we would stop at the grocery store for a minute on the way home so that we wouldn't have to go out again in the snow. We were standing at the deli when the phone rang, so less then 30 minutes from the time that we had drawn his blood. It was Levi's doctor, his count was 27!! Nope that's not a typo, it was 27!! That's a 220 point decrease since Thursday. Stomach bugs have always been our devil! We put Levi in the cart (he was walking around at the grocery store touching everything), grabbed the last of the food we needed, and headed home to pack and head to the hospital. 27 is a not a number that I am messing around with or sitting on, so we are headed up there on a Sunday!

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